5 Pounds (Khamsa Geneh)
A Purpleman
Adieu, N
Body Memory (Keha mälu)
Brazil by Pero Vaz de Caminha (O Brasil de Pero Vaz Caminha)
Bye (Dag)
Chicken Chasseur (Duo de volailles, Sauce chasseur)
Could see a puma (Pude ver un puma)
Dear Lisa (Kjaere Lisa)
Destination North
Dirty Friday
Dolls vs dictators
Drifting home
Duty (Velvollisuus)
Empty bucket (Kofja e Zbrazet)
Five lives by silence
Firecracker (Fatakra)
Girl A
It is nothing (Ce n´est rien)
Let live (Leben lassen)
Litlle Horses
Masi´s Law
Motovun my love (Motovun mon amour)
Mountainous (Bergig)
Nearby (Muy cerca)
Oh Willy…
Over the seven hills and far away (Hinter den sieben Bergen)
Raimo does not look like Kevin Costner (Raimo ei näytä Kevin Costnerilta)
Seeing sorrow (At se sorg)
Silent (Sessiz-be Deng)
Superman, Spiderman or Batman (Superman, Spiderman sau Batman)
Syncope (Synkope)
The Bird Spider (La Migala)
The future, today (L´avenir c´est aujourd´hui)
The Miami Dentist
The South Seas (Südsee)
True Love
What remains (Quel che resta)
When I grow up (Cuando sea grande)
Which cheese do you want? (Qual queijo você quer?)