After the Class (Baed Az Class)
And Death Will Be Alright
At Home (Zu Hause)
But Milk Is Important
Coming Home (Heimkommen)
Corner Shop
Dug – Goo TV
Fear of Flying
Feral Painter
First Snow
Girl of Wall
Hiding Place
Later (Sonra)
Little Miss Jihad
Loneliness (Solitudes)
More Than Two Hours (Bishatr az do saat)
Mouth Wide Open, Ears Shut Tight
Mystery (Misterio)
One, Two, Three, Volcano! (Um, dois, três, vulcão!)
Rabbit and Deer (Nyuszi és Oz)
Secrets (Segreti)
Short of Breath (Le souffle court)
Smoke and Mirrors (Rauch und Spiegel)
The Centrifuge Brain Project
The City of Gao Feng (La ciudad de Gao Feng)
The Dance of the Little Spider (La danza del piccolo ragno)
The Date (Treffit)
The Earthquake
The Princess, the Prince an the Green-eyed Dragon (Die Prinzessin, der Prinz und der Drache mit den grünen Augen)
The Safest Nuclear Power Plant Worldwide (Erntefaktor Null)
This is Ronald (Dit Is Ronald)
Wake the Flies (Despierta a las moscas)
Welcome and…Our Condolences
When One Stops (Hänen tilanne)