Abrino, Levi: Little Horses
Adeeb, Mohamed: 5 Pounds (Khamsa Geneh)
Ambrózy, Miki / Güleç, Begüm / Shaw, Nick: Five lives by silence
Bacci, Andrea: What remains (Quel che resta)
Barrington, Johnny: Tumult
Bauemler, David: The Miami Dentist
Batink, Sam / Ivicic, Silvio / Franquès, Laure Anna: Utöpia
Beaudot, Severine / Dombrovszky, Linda / Groshkov, George: Duty (Velvollisuus)
Blom, Charlotte: Dear Lisa (Kjaere Lisa)
Bustamante, Jayro: When I grow up (Cuando sea grande)
Caso Lafuente, Iván: Nearby (Muy cerca)
Charin, Felix: Let live (Leben lassen)
Colburn, Martha: Dolls vs dictators
Cole, Alastair / Dmitrieva, Anna / Szöllosi, Daniel: Pikku-Kalle?
Cruz Niesvaara, Tenesor / Delgado, Adrián Miguel: Dirty Friday
Daschner, Julia: Mountainous (Bergig)
De Swaef, Emma / Roels, Marc James: Oh Willy…
Dezcallar, Jaime: The Bird Spider (La Migala)
Domit Bittar, Cíntia: Which cheese do you want? (Qual queijo você quer?)
Dulion, Gautier / Griniute, Albina / Suárez del Real, Melissa: Destination North
Ege, Dagmar: The South Seas (Südsee)
Fingscheidt, Nora: Syncope (Synkope)
Franke, Günther: Over the seven hills and far away (Hinter den sieben Bergen)
Giurgiu, Tudor: Superman, Spiderman or Batman (Superman, Spiderman sau Batman)
Goode, Jason: Late
Hazak, Aaro / Møller, Adam Jacobi: Masi´s Law
Hecquet, Pascale: Chicken Chasseur (Duo de volailles, Sauce chasseur)
Hoath, Mike: Crosshairs
Just, Lothar / Trampe, Arnold: Motovun my love (Motovun mon amour)
Kájel Judit / Kirill, Naumko / Servide, Nicolas: Drifting home
Kastrati, Antoneta: Empty bucket (Kofja e Zbrazet)
Kim, Tak-hoon: A Purpleman
Laet, Bruno: Brazil by Pero Vaz de Caminha (O Brasil de Pero Vaz Caminha)
Lee, Sang-Su: Girl A
Mehta, Soham: Firecracker (Fatakra)
Petersons, Reinis: Ursus
Pikkov, Ülo: Body Memory (Keha mälu)
Rissanen, Ville: Raimo does not look like Kevin Costner (Raimo ei näytä Kevin Costnerilta)
Roy, Nicolas: It is nothing (Ce n´est rien)
Skagen, Espen: Beats
Triller, Mark: True Love
Van den Dop, Tamar: Bye (Dag)
Vecaric, Barbara: Adieu, N
Williams, Eduardo: Could see a puma (Pude ver un puma)
Winther, Martin: Seeing Sorrow (At se sorg)
Yesilbas, Rezan: Silent (Sessiz-be Deng)
Zinn-Justin, Anne: The future, today (L´avenir c´est aujourd´hui)
Archiv des Autors: Lia Ekizoglou
German Premiere
Screenings: Thursday, June 21, 19:00 (film.coop) and Saturday, June 23, 21:00 (City Kinos)
Country of Origin: Norway
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 10′
Category: Fiction
Director: Espen Skagen
Screenplay: Espen Skagen
Cinematographer: Tor Edvin Eliassen
Music: Espen Skagen
Editor: Espen Skagen
Producer: Espen Skagen
Cast: Bjørn Vegard Straumsnes, Miriam Myrstad
Synopsis: It´s the last party before high school ends. Thomas and Anna get pushed into a bedroom to get to know each other a little better. On the outside are their friends waiting in excitement on what´s gonna happen.
Inhalt: Auf der letzten Party vor Ende der Schulzeit werden Thomas und Anna in ein Schlafzimmer gesperrt, damit sie sich besser kennenlernen. Vor der Tür warten ihre Freunde gespannt darauf, was passiert.
Festivals: BUFF Film Festival Malmö, 2012; Student Film Festival, Lillehammer, 2011; KinoKino Short Film Festival, Norway, 2011; Alter-native 19th International Film Festival, Romania, 2011
Awards: Best Short, KinoKino Short Film Festival, Norway, 2011
Weblink: www.espenskagen.com
Destination North
reening: Saturday, June 23, 23:00 (City Kinos)
Country of Origin: France, Lithuania, Mexico/Spain
Year of Production: 2012
Duration: 9´
Category: Documentary
Director: Gautier Dulion, Albina Griniute, Melissa Suárez del Real
Synopsis: A guide to the Finnish Archipelago… with a twist.
Inhalt: Ein Reiseführer des finnischen Archipels, der eine unerwartete Wendung enthält.
Saturday, June 23, 19:00 (City Kinos) and Monday, June 25, 21:00 (film.coop)
5 Pounds (Khamsa Geneh)
Adieu, N
Brazil by Pero Vaz de Caminha
Bye (Dag)
Girl A
Masi´s Law
Raimo does not look like Kevin Costner (Raimo ei näytä Kevin Costnerilta)
Bavarian Premiere
Screenings: Friday, June 22, 19:00 (City Kinos) and Tuesday, June 26, 19:00 (film.coop)
Country of Origin: Finland
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 7′
Category: Fiction
Director: Ville Rissanen
Screenplay: Ville Rissanen
Cinematographer: Ville Salminen
Music: Jarkko Hietanen
Editor: Ville Salminen
Producer: Ville Rissanen
Cast: Panu Mikkola, Annukka Isomaa
Synopsis: Young adults Raimo and Erja meet on a blind date at the worst possible time; they both seem to have something to hide.
Inhalt: Die beiden Mittzwanziger Raimo und Erja treffen sich zum schlechtmöglichsten Zeitpunkt zu einem Blind Date: Beide scheinen etwas verbergen zu wollen.
Festivals: Helsinki Short Film Festival 2011, Finland; 3rd International Random Film Festival 2012
Screenings: Sunday, June 24, 19:00 (City Kinos) and Tuesday, June 26, 21:00 (film.coop)
Empty bucket (Kofja e Zbrazet)
It is nothing (Ce n´est rien)
Nearby (Muy cerca)
Seeing Sorrow (At se sorg)
Silent (Sessiz-be Deng)
The Bird Spider (La migala)
German Premiere
Screenings: Friday, June 22, 19:00 (City Kinos) and Tuesday, June 26, 19:00 (film.coop)
Country of Origin: Canada
Year of Production: 2012
Duration: 8′
Category: Fiction
Director: Jason R. Goode
Screenplay: Sarah Deakins
Cinematographer: Chris Dalton
Editor: Greg Ng
Producer: Dylan Jenkinson
Cast: Sarah Deakins, Ben Cotton, Lucia Frangione
Synopsis: Two strangers struggle for a completely honest connection in a chance, and brief, encounter at a cafe.
Inhalt: Zwei Fremde bemühen sich um einen Moment des ehrlichen Kennenlernens während ihrer zufälligen und kurzen Begegnung in einem Café.
Festivals: Perspectives Canada Program, Cannes 2012, France; Beloit International Film Festival, USA; Julien Dubuque International Film Festival, USA
The Miami Dentist
World Premiere
Screenings: Friday, June 22, 21:00 (City Kinos) and Monday, June 25, 19:00 (film.coop)
Country of Origin: USA
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 9′
Category: Short Fiction
Director: David Baeumler
Screenplay: David Baeumler
Music: David Baeumler, Chris O´Neil
Editor: David Baeumler
Producer: David Baeumler
Cast: David Baumler, Kevin Silva (Narrator)
Synopsis: You’re safe, warm and beautiful. You’re not surrounded by Chinese troops in the sub-zero battle of the Chosin Reservoir. So why not take a moment to learn some facts about the Miami Dentist?
Inhalt: Du bist in Sicherheit, es geht dir gut. Du bist nicht von chinesischen Truppen bei Minusgraden in der Schlacht um den Changjin-Stausee umgeben. Warum sich also nicht einen Moment Zeit nehmen, um einige Fakten über den Miami-Zahnarzt zu lernen?
Weblink: www.sometimesonsundays.com
Empty bucket (Kofja e Zbrazet)
International Premiere
Screenings: Sunday, June 24, 19:00 (City Kinos) and Tuesday, June 26, 21:00 (film.coop)
Country of Origin: Kosovo
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 20′
Category: Fiction
Director: Antoneta Kastrati
Screenplay: Antoneta Kastrati
Cinematographer: Sevdije Kastrati
Music: Dritero Nikqi
Editor: Kaltrina Krasniqi
Producer: Blerim Gjoci, Casey Cooper Johnson
Cast: Eremire Krasniqi, Xhelal Haliti, Remzie Shala
Synopsis: Haunted by nightmares, a young Kosovar bride undergoes magical treatment to protect her unborn baby from a hidden curse. But as her husband’s family rejoices in the healing, her past comes back to threaten her unborn baby.
Inhalt: Von Alpträumen geplagt unterzieht sich eine junge Frau aus dem Kosovo magischer Behandlungen um ihr ungeborenes Baby vor einem Fluch zu schützen. Aber während die Familie ihres Mannes sich an der Genesung der zukünftigen Mutter erfreut, holt ihre Vergangenheit sie ein und bedroht das Kind.
Festivals: Nine Eleven Film Festival, Kosovo
Weblink: www.imdb.com/name/nm4138958
Oh Willy…
Bavarian Premiere
Screenings: Friday, June 22, 21:00 (City Kinos) and Monday, June 25, 19:00 (film.coop)
Country of Origin: Belgium, France, Netherlands
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 17′
Category: Animation
Director: Emma De Swaef, Marc James Roels
Cinematographer: Marc James Roels
Screenplay: Emma De Swaef, Marc James Roels
Music: Bram Meindersma
Editor: Dieter Diependaele
Producer: Ben Tesseur
Synopsis: Forced to return to his naturist roots, Willy bungles his way into noble savagery, where he finds the protection of a hairy beast.
Inhalt: Gezwungen, in das Naturisten-Camp, in dem er aufwuchs, zurückzukehren, verwildert Willy zunehmends und findet den Schutz eines haarigen Monsters.
Festivals: Indielisboa, Portugal; Brussels Film Festival, Belgium; International Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand 2012, France, Holland Animation Film Festival 2012, Netherlands, Anifilm Trebon, Czech Republic
Awards: Award for Best Short at Anifilm Trebon, Czech Republic; Jury Prize at Brussels Film Festival, Belgium; Grand Prix at Holland Animation Film Festival 2012, Netherlands