The Date (Treffit)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 20, 19:00 and Saturday, June 22, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin / Land: Finland
Year of Production / Jahr: 2012
Duration / Länge: 8′
Category / Kategorie: Fiction
Language / Sprache: Finnish with English subtitles

Director / Regie: Jenni Toivoniemi
Screenplay / Drehbuch:Jenni Toivoniemi
Cinematographer / Kamera:Jarmo Kiuru
Music / Musik:Tuomas Klaavo
Producer / Produktion:Lotta-Kaisa Riistakoski / ELO Film School Helsinki and Elli Toivoniemi / Tuffi Films
Cast / Darsteller: Oskari Joutsen, Päivi Mäkinen ja Anna Paavilainen
Editor / Schnitt:Tuuli Alanärä
Synopsis: Tino’s (16) manhood is put to test in front of two women, Mirka (25) and Lissu (54) when he has to host a date for Diablo, family’s stud cat.
Inhalt: Tino’s Männlichkeit stellt sich unter Beweis, als er zwei unterschiedlichen Frauen gegenübertritt, die an seinem Zuchtkater Diablo interessiert sind.

Festivals: Nordisk Panorama, Göteborg International Film Festival, Sundance Film Festival and Sundance London, Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, Berlinale, Minimalen, Tampere Film Festival, Helsinki Short Film Festival, Aspen Shortsfest
Awards: Winner of the Short Film Jury Award, Sundance Film Festival, 2013, Special mention at Berlinale Generation, Best nordic fiction at Minimalen


When One Stops (Hänen tilanne)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 21, 19:00 and Monday, June 24, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin / Land: Finland
Year of Production / Jahr: 2012
Duration / Länge: 6′
Category / Kategorie: Animation
Language / Sprache: No dialogue

Director / Regie: Jenni Rahkonen
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Jenni Rahkonen
Music / Musik: Jukra
Editor / Schnitt: Jenni Rahkonen
Producer / Produktion: Eija Saarinen

Synopsis: The world won’t stop turning even when one stops turning with it.
Inhalt: Die Erde wird nicht aufhören, sich zu drehen – selbst dann nicht, wenn ein Einzelner aufhört, sich mit ihr zu drehen.

Festivals: Tampere Film Festival 2013, Helsinki Short Film Festival 2012, Animasyros, Animation Volda, Animage, DOK Leipzig, Fredrikstad Animation Festival, Flip Animation Film Festival, Animated Dreams, Helsinki Short Film Festival, L’Alternativa Barcelona Independent Film Festival, Zubroffka, Premiers Plans, Akbank Short Film Festival, ALTER-NATIVE IFF, SKENA UP, Monstra Festival, Minimalen Short Film Festival, Animac, Tricky Women, Animfest Athens, Holland Animation Film Festival, Animatricks, Kyiv International Short Film Festival, Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film, Anifest, Mediawave, European Short Film Festival, Anifilm, Annecy International Animation Festival, Jerusalem International Film festival, Reykjavik Shorts & docs
Awards: Main Prize (national competition), Tampere Film Festival 2013, Scolarship to live and work under the artist-in-residence program, Tricky Women 2013, Special Award, Animation Volda 2012



German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 21, 19:00 and Monday, June 24, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin / Land: Canada
Year of Production / Jahr: 2012
Duration / Länge: 5′
Category / Kategorie: Animation
Language / Sprache: No dialogue

Director / Regie: Alisi Telengut
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Alisi Telengut
Cinematographer / Kamera: Alisi Telengut
Music / Musik: David Fiorentino, Huun Huur Tu, Carmen Rizzo
Editor / Schnitt: Alisi Telengut
Producer / Produktion: Alisi Telengut, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University

Synopsis: Wind burial, influenced by Shamanism, is an old Mongolian tradition. When someone dies, the corpse is carried on a cart until a bump causes the body to fall. The place where the body lands becomes a simple tomb.
Inhalt: Vom Schamanismus beeinflusste Windbestattungen sind eine alte mongolische Tradition. Wenn Jemand stirbt, wird der Leichnam auf einem Wagen transportiert, bis eine Unebenheit des Bodens den Körper zu Fall bringt. An dieser Stelle wird ein einfaches Grab errichtet.

Festivals: 2013 Melbourne International Animation Festival, International Competition category Melbourne, Australia, 2013 Reel Earth Environmental Film Festival Palmerston North, New Zealand, 2013 Australian International Animation Festival, International Program #3 Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia, 2013 1st Cinema Turbulent International Film Festival at the Canadian Anthropology Society Annual Conference, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada, 2013 Festival Golden Anteaters, Animation Contest category Lublin, Poland, 2013 Festival l’Inconnu Paris, France, 2013 Canada International Film Festival, Animation Competition, Vancouver, Canada Award: Rising Star Award in Animation Competition, 2013 2nd International Motion Festival Cyprus, Take It to The Limit program Cyprus, Greece, 2013 Festival du Film Ethnographique du Que´bec, Experimental Bloc Montreal and Quebec city, 2013 Le11eFestivalduFilmE´tudiantdeQue´bec Quebec city, 2012 Les 11es Sommets du Cine´ma d’Animation a` Montre´al, Student International Selection Category, Montreal, Canada, 2012 19th International Film Festival Etiuda & Anima, International Competition Category Krakow, Poland, 2012 Animpact Animation Festival Max 2012, International Competition Category Seoul, South Korea, 2012 54th ZINEBI International Festival of Documentary and Short Film, International Competition Category, Bilbao, Spain, 2012 16th Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival, It’s Not What You Think Program, Toronto, Canada, 2012 Youngcuts Film Festival 2012, Animation and Music Screening, Montreal, Canada, 2012 36th Ottawa International Animation Festival, Canadian Student Show Case, Ottawa, Canada, 2012 19th KROK International Animated Film Festival, International Competition Category, Kiev, Ukraine, 2012 Montreal World Film Festival, 43rd Canadian Student Film Festival, Montreal, Canada, 2012 16th Fantasia International Film Festival, Montreal, Canada
Awards: 2012 Best Animated Film, Montreal World Film Festival, 43rd Student Festival Montreal, Canada 2012 Honorable Mention of Best Canadian Student Animation, 36th Ottawa International Animation Festival, Ottawa, Canada 2013 Meilleur Film d’Animation, 11e Festival du Film E´tudiant de Que´bec, Que´bec city, Canada 2013 Rising Star Award in Animation Competition, Canada International Film Festival 2013 Vancouver, Canada


The City of Gao Feng (La ciudad de Gao Feng)

German Premiere

Screenings: Saturday, June 22, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 25, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin / Land: Spain, China
Year of Production / Jahr: 2012
Duration / Länge: 14′
Category / Kategorie: Fiction
Language / Sprache: Chinese with English subtitles

Director / Regie: Oriol Martínez
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Oriol Martínez
Cinematographer / Kamera: J. Oriol Vila
Music / Musik: Cálido Home
Editor / Scnitt: Laura Tresserras
Producer / Produktion: Chi – Shin Hou
Main Cast / Darsteller: Zhu Liu Sheng, Wang Jun Feng

Synopsis: Gao Feng, an old rural widower with senile dementia, comes to town to settle with his son in the city. He became fascinated by the city, but his health prevents him from speaking and acting out his feelings and his son locked him in his small apartment. After the boredom and frustration, Gao Feng is visited by some strange fantasy animals that help him escape.
Inhalt:Gao Feng, ein greiser, verwitweter Bauer mit Altersdemenz, kommt in die Großstadt, um sich bei seinem Sohn niederzulassen. Die Metropole beeindruckt ihn, aber Gao`s Gesundheit versagt es ihm, zu sprechen oder seine Gefühle auszudrücken. So wird er von seinem Sohn in dessen kleinem Appartment eingeschlossen. Aber dann finden plötzlich drei Fantasiewesen den Weg zu ihm…

Festivals: Sitges, Festival Internacional de Cinema Fantastic de Catalunya, Filmets, Badalona Film Festival, Almeria en Corto, Zinebi 54 Festival de Documental y Cortometraje de Bilbao, La Pedrera Short Film Fetsival, Muestra Internacional de Cine de Palencia, Festival Internacional de Cine Fantastico de Monachil, Kinoki Film Festival


Feral Painter

German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 21, 19:00 and Monday, June 24, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin / Land: France
Year of Production / Jahr: 2012
Duration / Länge: 4′
Category / Kategorie: Experimental
Language / Sprache: No dialogue

Director / Regie: Frank Vroegop
Producer / Produktion: Pascal Chinarro

Synopsis: A feral organism is one that has changed from being domesticated to being wild or untamed.
Inhalt: Ein barbarisches Lebewesen ist eines, das von einem gezähmten zu einem ungezügelten und wilden wurde.

Festivals: Let’s All Be Free Festival 2012

Mouth Wide Open, Ears Shut Tight (Bepe Paur Ve’oznaim Atzumot)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Saturday, June 22, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 25, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin / Land: Israel
Year of Production / Jahr: 2012
Duration / Länge: 16′
Category / Kategorie: Animation
Language / Sprache: No dialogue

Director / Regie: Tom Madar, Emlly Noy
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Tom Madar
Cinematographer / Kamera: Tom Madar
Music / Musik: Dror Shiman
Producer / Produktion: Tom Madar
Main Cast / Darsteller: Dana Ivgy

Synopsis: A young woman, who lives a life of solitude and silence, finds herself drawn into a world of sounds by her new neighbor on the other side of the wall.
Inhalt: Ein Tag im Leben einer jungen Frau, die ein ruhiges, einsames Leben mit ihrem Freund, dem Fisch, verbringt. Die Stille zerbricht, als ein neuer Mieter in die Wohnung nebenan einzieht. Trotz der ständigen Geräusche und des durchdringenden Lärms auf der anderen Seite des Zimmers, beginnt die junge Frau, sich in ihren Nachbarn zu verlieben.

Festivals: Animix International Animation Festival, Israel, 2012, StopTrik International Stop Motion Festival, Slovenia, 2012, Rehovot International Women Film Festival, Israel, 2012, Alexandria International Film Festival, Virginia (USA), 2012, ReAnimania International Animation Festival, Armenia, November 2012, Euroshorts International Film Festival, Poland, 2012, Animax International Animation Festival, Macedonia, November 2012, Dawn Breakers International Film Festival, Switzerland, 2012, George Lindsey UNA Film Festival, Alabama (USA), 2013, EPOS Film Festival, Israel, 2013, Tricky Women Animation Festival, Austria, 2013, Be There! Animation Festival, Greece, 2013, FilmFest Dresden International Shorts Film Festival, Germany, 2013, Sarasota International Film Festival, Florida (USA), 2013, Amelia Island International Film Festival, Florida (USA), 2013, Mujeres en Foco Women Festival, Argentina, 2013, BAFICI Independent Film Festival, Argentina, 2013, SKEPTO International Film Festival, Italy, 2013, International Film Festival of Uruguay, Uruguay, 2013, ANIMFEST International Animation Festival, Greece, March 2013, Cyprus International Motion Festival, Cyprus, 2013, TAUFF International Student Film Festival, Israel, 2013, Canada International Film Festival, Canada, 2013, KINOKI Student Film Festival, Mexico, 2013
Awards: Animix International Animation Festival, Israel, 2012, Best Student Animation, StopTrik International Stop Motion Festival, Slovenia, 2012, Special Mention, Rehovot International Women Film Festival, Israel, 2012, Special Mention, Alexandria International Film Festival, Virginia (USA), 2012, Best Short Animation, Euroshorts International Film Festival, Poland, 2012, Best Animation Short, EPOS Film Festival, Israel, 2013, 2nd Place for Best Film, Canada International Film Festival, Canada, 2013, Rising Star Award, KINOKI Student Film Festival, Mexico, 2013, Best Fiction and Best Film Editing


Films by Country

Australia / Australien
Smoke and Mirrors (Rauch und Spiegel)

Belgium / Belgien
This Is Ronald (Dit Is Ronald)

Brazil /Brasilien
One, Two, Three, Volcano! (Um, dois, três, vulcão!)

Canada / Kanada
First Snow (Première neige)
Little Miss Jihad

China / China
The City of Gao Feng (La ciudad de Gao Feng)

Finland / Finnland
The Date (Treffit)
When One Stops (Hänen tilanne)

France / Frankreich
And Death Will Be Alright
Feral Painter
Short of Breath (Le souffle court)
Loneliness (Solitudes)

Germany / Deutschland
At Home (Zu Hause)
Coming Home (Heimkommen)
The Centrifuge Brain Project
The Princess, the Prince an the Green-eyed Dragon (Die Prinzessin, der Prinz und der Drache mit den grünen Augen)
The Safest Nuclear Power Plant Worldwide (Erntefaktor Null)

Hungary / Ungarn
Rabbit and Deer

Iceland / Island

Iran / Iran
After the Class (Baed Az Class)
More Than Two Hours (Bishtar az do saat)

Ireland / Irland
Fear of Flying

Israel / Israel
Mouth Wide Open, Ears Shut Tight (Bepe Paur Ve’oznaim Atzumot)
Welcome and…Our Condolences

Italy / Italien
Secrets (Segreti)
The Dance of the Little Spider (La danza del piccolo ragno)

Japan / Japan
Girl of Wall

Norway / Norwegen
But Milk Is Important

Romania / Rumänien
Loneliness (Solitudes)

South Korea / Südkorea
Dug – Goo TV

Spain / Spanien
Mystery (Misterio)
The City of Gao Feng (La ciudad de Gao Feng)
Wake the Flies (Despierta a las moscas)

Turkey / Türkei
Later (Sonra)

UK / Großbritannien
Corner Shop
Hiding Place

The Earthquake
Short of Breath (Le souffle court)

Veröffentlicht unter 2013


German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 21, 21:00 and Monday, June 24, 19:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin / Land: Italy
Year of Production / Jahr: 2012
Duration / Länge: 15′
Category / Kategorie: Fiction
Language / Sprache: Italian with English subtitles

Director / Regie: Margherita Spampinato
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Margherita Spampinato
Cinematographer / Kamera: Claudio Cofrancesco
Music / Musik: Pietro Pompei
Editor / Schnitt: Margherita Spampinato, Chiara Vullo
Producer / Produktion: Margherita Spampinato, Giorgio Gasparini
Cast / Darsteller: Aram Kian, Elena Pelliccioni

Synopsis: The world seen through the eyes of a nine year old girl. Playing, friends, school and the town she lives in. And among all the games, the little girl will find a new, secret and mysterious one, that involves an unknown man.
Inhalt: Durch die Augen eines neunjährigen Mädchens bekommen wir einen Blick auf eine Welt, die im Wesentlichen aus dem Spiel mit Freunden, der Schule und dem Leben in der Stadt besteht. Zwischen all seinem Zeitvertreib findet das Mädchen ein neues, geheimnisvolles Spiel, das einen unbekannten Mann einbezieht.

Festivals: 60th Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival, 2013, World-wide Festival of Extreme Cinema San Sebastian of Veracruz-prada films, 2013, Veracruz, México, Riff – Roma Independent Film Festival, 2013, Roma, Italy, IV International Short Film Festival Piélagos en corto 2013, Spain, 31st International Film Festival of Uruguay, 2013, Skepto International Film Festival 2013, Italy, David di Donatello 2013, Italy
Awards: GRAND PRIX at the 60th Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival, 2013, MENTION “Mención especial por guión y calidad histriónica del personaje infantil femenino” at the World-wide Festival of Extreme Cinema San Sebastian of Veracruz-prada films, 2013, Veracruz, México
