No. 6

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 13, 21:00 and Tuesday, June 17, 19:00 (SOUR)


Country of Origin: USA
Year of Production: 2007
Duration: 17’00“
Category: Fiction

Director: Robin Larsen
Screenplay: Robin Larsen
Cinematographer: David Colclasure
Editor: David Colclasure, Rochelle Watson
Music: Steve Pacey
Producer: David Colclasure, Steven Klein
Cast: Ron Perlman, Charlotte Ayanna, Brian Baumgartner, Lorinne Vozoff, Francois Chau, Meredith Kaufman, Jade Wu, Vanessa Born, Marina Mouhibian

Synopsis: A mysterious man finds redemption for his dangerous past in a young Ukrainian sex slave.

Festivals & Awards: Method Fest Independent Film Festival USA, Rhode Island International Film Festival USA, Zinebi-Bilbao Film Festival Spain, Sonoma Valley Film Festival USA, Beverly Hills Film Festival USA, USA Film Festival, Lake County Film Festival USA, Sidewalk Motion Picture Festival USA, Short Cuts Cologne Germany



Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 15, 21:00 and Monday, June 16, 19:00 (BITTER)


Country of Origin: France
Year of Production: 2007
Duration: 8’45“
Category: Fiction

Director: David Dusa
Screenplay: David Dusa
Cinematographer: Armin Franzen
Editor: Nathalie Alonso Casale
Music: Laurent Michaud
Producer: Vanessa Ciszewski, Elena von Saucken, David Dusa, Mikolaj Pokromski
Cast: Romain Berger, Tariq Bettahar, Ramzi Bouaia, Vincent Deslandres

Synopsis: Abdel is driving his son, Amin, through the Parisian suburbs. The radio broadcasts the news of the day, while Amin is playing with the world floating by the window. Suddenly, they are stopped by the police, apparently Abdel’s headlight is broken. The officers start badgering Abdel, the tension rises, until an outburst comes from an unexpected source.

Festivals & Awards: International Film Festival Rotterdam Netherlands 2007 (Prix UIP), Milano Short Film Festival Italy 2007 (Special Mention of the Aprile Award), Goteborg Filmfestival Sweden 2008, Sydney International Filmfestival Austalia 2007, International Short Film Festival Grimstad Norway 2007, Vila do Conde International Short Film Festival Portugal 2007, International Competition Belo Horizonte Brazil 2007, Melbourne International Film Festival Australia 2007, International Bunker Film Festival Italy 2007, Sao Paulo Kinoforum Brazil 2007, International Film Festival Sarajevo Bosnia 2007, Imagio Filmfest Portugal 2007, Tinklai Filmfest Latvia 2007, Festival de Sevilla Spain 2007, Interfilm Festival Berlin Germany 2007, Sleepwalkers International Student Festival Tallinn Estonia 2007


Poolside (Beckenrand)

Screening: Saturday, June 14, 23:00 (BEST OF GERMANY II)


Country of Origin: Germany/Switzerland
Year of Production: 2006
Duration: 19′
Category: Fiction

Director: Michael Koch
Screenplay: Michael Koch
Cinematographer: Benedikt Ritter
Editor: Rosa Albrecht
Music: Frank Boehle, Johann Laeschke
Producer: Michael Koch
Cast: Hansjuerg Mueller, Luca Zindel, Lea Baur

Synopsis: The setting is a packed swimming pool at the height of summer. A group of teenagers catch the pool attendant’s attention and a confrontation leads to a tragic misunderstanding…

Festivals & Awards: Nominee for Best German Short Film Potsdam Germany 2007, Nominee for Swiss Film Prize in category Best Short Film 2007, Festival du film court de Lille France 2007 (Special Prize), Young Filmmaker’s Festival Luzern Switzerland 2006 (Best Direction), International Short Film Days Winterthur Switzerland 2006 (Special Mention), International Short Film Festival Hamburg Germany 2007 (Special Mention), Festival Signes de Nuit Paris France 2007 (First Prize), Festival International des Ecoles de Cinema FIDEC Belgium 2007 (Special Mention), Berlin&Beyond Festival San Francisco USA 2007, International Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand France 2007, Solothurner Short Film Days Switzerland 2007, Festival Premiers Plans Anger France 2007, Mediawave International Film Festival Hungary 2007, Befilm The Underground Film Festival New York USA 2007, Sonar International Short Film Festival Italy 2007, „Sehsuechte“ International Student Film Festival Berlin Germany 2007, VIS Vienna Independent Shorts Viena Austria 2007, Courtisane Festival of Short Film Ghent Belgium 2007, Seattle International Film Festival USA 2007, „La Cittadella del Corto“ International Short Film Festival Roma Italy 2007, Cinema Jove International Film Festival Valencia Spain 2007, Mostra Independent de Curtmetratges „MIC07“ Barcelona Spain 2007, Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Elche Spain 2007, Monterrrey International Film Festival Mexico 2007, Tinklai International Short Film Festival Lithuania 2007, Cork Film Festival Ireland 2007, International Short Film Festival Santiago de Compostela Spain 2007, Kolkata Film Festival India 2007, Short Film Festival of Lyon-Villeurbanne France 2007, Cucalorus Film Festival North Carolina USA 2007, International Film Festival Locarno Switzerland 2006, Leeds International Film Festival UK 2006, Regensburg Short Film Week Germany 2006, Une Nuit Trop Courte Grenoble France 2006, International Short Film Festival Leuven Belgium 2006


Macedonian Dream – A Girl And Her Accordion (Die Akkordeonspielerin)

Screening: Friday, June 13, 23:00 (BEST OF GERMANY I)


Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2007
Duration: 30′
Category: Documentation

Director: Biljana Garvanlieva
Screenplay: Biljana Garvanlieva
Cinematographer: Susanne Schuele
Editor: Andre Nier
Sound: Manuel Zimmer
Producer: Christian Beetz
Cast: Emilija Obradova

Synopsis: At the age of seven, Emilija gets an accordion, with 14 she wins the national accordion competition of Macedonia. The author portrays the life of her 17-year-old cousin who comes from a poor but very musical and swinging family. Living in a little village she fights for the right to participate in an international competition that is taking place in spring. Emilija plays well enough, but the condition is to have a professional and exorbitantly expensive accordion.

Festivals & Awards: Nominee for Juliane Barthels Award 2008, Award for Best German Short Film Germany 2007, Axel Springer Award for Young Journalists Germany 2007, International Documentary Film Festival Zagreb Croatia 2007 (Special Mention Award), ASTERFEST International Film & Video Festival of Southern Europe Macedonia 2007 (Golden Projector), Sichuan TV Festival China 2007 (Gold Panda Award), Danube Island Festival Bratislava Slovakia 2007 (Nominee for Prix Danube), Filmmor International Women’s Film Festival Istanbul Turkey 2008, FIPA Biarritz Competition Contest France 2007, Femme Total Film Festival Dortmund Germany 2007, KRATKIMETAR International Short Film Festival Belgrad Serbia 2007, International Documentary and Short Film Festival Prizren Kosovo 2007, Macedonian Film Festival Toronto Canada 2007, Barcelona International TV Festival Spain 2007, Festival of the New German Film Skopje Macedonia 2007


The Frozen Sea (Das Gefrorene Meer)

Screening: Saturday, June 14, 23:00 (BEST OF GERMANY II)


Country of Origin: Germany/Austria
Year of Production: 2007
Duration: 27’00“
Category: Fiction

Director: Lukas Miko
Screenplay: Lukas Miko
Cinematographer: Martin Gschlacht
Editor: Bernd Schlegel
Sounddesign: Ansgar Frerich
Producer: Sabine Lamby, Martin Gschlacht
Cast: Felix Steitz, Anna Schudt, Andreas Patton

Synopsis: His father’s frequent absence is a source of great sorrow for 8-year-old Marco. Even on Christmas Day he’s leaving – to work, according to Marco’s mother. Marco, however, suspects his mother’s bickering to be the real reason. When, later that day, Marco is sure he spotted his dad from a bus window, his confusion is complete. Are his parents hiding something from him? Or is he just fooled by his own longing? Marco puts himself and his parents to the test…

Festivals & Awards: LOLA for Best German Short Film 2007, Les Lutins Du Court-Metrage France 2008 (Longlist-Nominee), Paris Tout Court International Short Film Festival 2008 (Special Jury Award, Audience Award), Short Film Festival Bamberg Germany 2008 (Orlando-Jury Award, Best Short Film), International Short Film Festival Alpinale Austria 2007 (Audience Award), International Short Film Festival Dresden Germany 2007 (Audience Award), International Short Film Festival Palm Springs USA 2007 (Best of the Fest Selection), International Short Film Festival Jackson Hole USA 2008, Landshuter Kurzfilmtage Germany 2008, Bamberger Kurzfilmtage Germany 2008, International Short Film Festival of Drama Greece 2007, International Film Festival Rouyn-Noranda Canada 2007, International Film Festival Olympia Greece 2007, International Short Film Festival of Calcutta India 2007, International Film Festival Nairobi Kenya 2007, International Short Film Week Regensburg Germany 2007, Diagonale Graz Austria 2007, Max-Ophuels-Prize Saarbrücken Germany 2007, Grenzland Filmtage Germany 2007, Open-Air Festival Weiterstadt Germany 2007, Open-Air Filmnaechte Bonn Germany 2007, Open-Air Filmnaechte Dresden Germany 2007


Looking Glass (Spegelbarn)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 15, 21:00 and Monday, June 16, 19:00 (BITTER)


Country of Origin: Sweden
Year of Production: 2007
Duration: 5′
Category: Animation

A Film By: Erik Rosenlund
Animation: Erik Rosenlund, Susanne Sturesson

Synopsis: A dark stormy night. A little girl is home alone, but is she really?

Festivals & Awards: Molise Cinema Film Festival Italy 2007 (Special Mention), Sarasota Film Festival USA 2008, Aubagne International Film Festival France 2008, Rennes Film Festival for Children France 2008, East Lansing Children’s Film Festival USA 2008, International Youth Film Festival Ale Kino! Poland 2007, „Les Nuits Magiques“ Festival international du Film d’Animation France 2007, „Anilogue“ Budapest Animation Film Festival Hungary 2007, International Animated Film Festival „I Castelli Animati“ Italy 2007, Short Cuts Cologne Germany 2007, Foyle Film Festival Ireland 2007, Exground Filmfest Germany 2007, Oslo International Film Festival Norway 2007, Rencontres Internationales du Cinema d’Animation de Wissembourg France 2007, Cinessonne European Film Festival France 2007, International Week of Fantastic Film Spain 2007, „CINANIMA“ International Animated Film Festival of Espinho Portugal 2007, Nordic Film Days Luebeck Germany 2007, Swedish Film Week St. Petersburg Russia 2007, Animatricks Animated Film Festival Finland 2007, „Screamfest“ Horror Film Festival USA 2007, Austin Film Festival USA 2007, Chicago International Film Festival USA 2007, Zurich Film Festival Switzerland 2007, Swedish Film Week Moscow Russia 2007, Istanbul International Children Film Festival Turkey 2007, Calgary International Film Festival Canada 2007, Milwaukee International Film Festival USA 2007, Drama International Short Film Festival Greece 2007, North Cape Film Festival Norway 2007, „Circuito Off“ Venice International Short Film Festival Italy 2007, Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival Brazil 2007, Busan International Kids‘ Film Festival Korea 2007, Monterrey International Film Festival Mexico 2007, InDPanda International Short Film Festival Hong Kong 2007, „Avanca“ International Meeting of Cinema, TV, Video and Multimedia Portugal 2007, Westside Short Film Festival Malta 2007, „ANIMA MUNDI“ International Animation Festival of Brazil 2007, Capalbio Cinema International Short Film Festival Italy 2007, 47th International Film Festival for Children and Youth Zlin Czech Republic 2007, International Film Festival Cannes France 2007



Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Saturday, June 14, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 17, 21:00 (UMAMI)


Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Production: 2006
Duration: 10’25“
Category: Experimental

Director: Benjamin d’Aoust
Screenplay: Benjamin d’Aoust
Editor: Cedric Zoenen
Music: Aline Huber
Producer: Laurent Hanon

Synopsis: A lonely child plays with his small ball against a huge wall. The rhythm that he produces takes him away from his loneliness. Suddenly, a deaf rhythm emerges in constant displacement and perturbs the child. The child searches and experiments to understand from where come theses echoes…

Festivals & Awards: Le court en dit long Paris France 2007 (Grand Prix), Asiana International Short Film Festival Seoul South Korea 2007 (New Film Maker Award), Festival film court de Villeurbanne France 2007 (Prix Mozaic de l’Innovation), 4eme Concours de courts de Toulouse France 2007-05 (Third Prize), Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival Belgium 2007 (Award of RTBF), 7eme Festival du court-metrage de Nice France 2007 (Audience Award), 8th International Film Festival Aubagna Belgium 2007, Independent International Film Festival Lisboa Portugal 2007, 2nd Montreal Underground Film Festival Montreal Canada 2007, 35th Algarve International Film Festival Portimao Portugal 2007, 35th International Film Festival Huesca Spain 2007, 22nd Cinema Jove International Film Festival Valencia Spain 2007, Festival Cine Fleuve – La Grande Region France 2007, Festival Nouveau Cinema de Montreal Canada 2007, Festival du film d’Amiens France 2007, Imago International Young Film Festival Portugal 2007, Odense Film Festival Denmark 2007, Sao Paolo Short Film Festival Brazil 2007, 22nd Braunschweig International Film Festival Germany 2007, Festival Alcine Madrid Spain 2007, Festival de court metrage de Bruxelles Belgium 2006, International Festival for Art & Theatre Lovers Dubrovnik Croatia 2006, Festival Silhouette Paris France 2006, Tinkai International Short Film Festival Vilnius Lithuania 2006, Festival International du Film Francophone Namur Belgium 2006, Scrittura e Immagine Pescara International Film Festival Italy 2006



German Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 15, 21:00 and Monday, June 16, 19:00 (BITTER)


Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Production: 2006
Duration: 13’50“
Category: Fiction

Director: Chloe Cramer
Screenplay: Chloe Cramer
Cinematographer: Florent Bagard
Editor: Nicolas Rumpl
Music: Boris Kish
Producer: Rodolphe de Callatay, Samuel Henry, Catherine Lemarchand
Cast: Yasko Sakaedani, Jean-Michel Vovk, Takano, Cyril Briant, Ives Swennen, Kunbo Meng

Synopsis: A video-surveillance evidence seems to prove that she had an affair with an employee of the hotel where the Japanese stay. The employee is fired and leaves the hotel. The Japanese girl follows him, the employee sends her packing. She drifts into the city, until their road cross again. The employee takes her to an abandoned house. He deflowers her. That marks the end of their relationship. She leaves the house and meets her father in the night.

Festivals & Awards: Bologna European School Festival Bologna Italy 2006, International Festival for Cinema School Huy Belgium 2006, Het groote Ongeduld Brussels Belgium 2006
