
Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 20, 21:00 and Monday, June 21, 19:00 (BITTER)


Country of Origin / Land: Italy / Italien
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 19’00“
Category / Kategorie: Fiction

Director / Regie: Antonio Piazza, Fabio Grassadonia
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Antonio Piazza, Fabio Grassadonia
Cinematographer / Kamera: Olaf Hirschberg
Editor / Schnitt: Desideria Rayner
Producer / Produktion: Massimo Cristaldi
Cast / Darsteller: Marta Palermo, Marco Maria Correnti, Diana Sergio

Synopsis: Rita, 10 years old and blind since birth, lives close to Palermo. The claustrophobic world of her home is broken through by a boy on the run, wounded, terrified. Thanks to her new friend, Rita escapes and goes to the beach, where she lives a brief moment of freedom which ends when the boy disappears.
Inhalt: Rita, 10 Jahre alt und blind seit der Geburt, lebt in der Nähe von Palermo. Ihre klaustrophobische Welt wird von einem flüchtenden, verwundeten Jungen durchbrochen. Dank ihres neuen Freundes flieht Rita zum Strand und lebt einen Moment der Freiheit, der mit dem Verschwinden des Jungen endet.

Festivals & Awards: Bratislava International Film Festival Slovakia 2009 (Best Short Film), Rotterdam Film Festival Netherlands 2010, Festival D’Angers Premiers Plans France 2010 (Prix Arte), Tampere Film Festival Finland 2010 (Diploma of Merit), Ankara Inernational Film Festival Turkey 2010, The International Film Festival of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 2010 (Best Short Film), The Cape Winelands Film Festival South Africa 2010, Aspen Shorts Festival USA 2010 (Award for Directing), Athens International Film and Video Festival Greece 2010, Busan International Short Film Festival South Korea 2010, Cannes Film Festival France 2010, Curtocircuito International Short Film Festival Spain 2010, Hamburg International Short Film Festival 2010, Vineyard Film Festival Cyprus 2010, Golden Boll Film Festival Turkey 2010

Weblink: www.shortfilmcentral.com/film/2597


German Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 17, 19:00 and Saturday, June 19, 21:00 (SWEET)


Country of Origin / Land: Netherlands / Holland
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 10’00“
Category / Kategorie: Fiction

Director / Regie: Michiel ten Horn
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Michiel ten Horn
Cinematographer / Kamera: Jasper Wolf
Editor / Schnitt: Brian Ent, D.C.E. – The Ambassadors
Music / Musik: Bart Westerlaken
Producer / Produktion: Julius Ponton, Frieder Wallis
Cast / Darsteller: Aart Staartjes, Erik van der Donk

Synopsis: For the elderly Mr. Manders, the last years of his life consist only of one thing: loneliness. His light is waning, his spirit drained. The only thing that can still put a smile on his face is his pet canary, Arie. Strangely, it is the death of this yellow spark of life that brings unexpected joy and new friendships.
Inhalt: Für den alten Herrn Manders bestehen die letzten Jahre seines Lebens nur noch aus Einsamkeit. Seine Zeit neigt sich dem Ende entgegen. Das einzige, was ihn noch zu einem Lächeln ermutigen kann, ist sein Kanarienvogel Arie. Ausgerechnet der Tod seines kleinen gelben Freundes bringt jedoch wieder unerwartete Lebensfreude und neue Freundschaften.

Festivals & Awards: Netherlands Film Festival Netherlands 2009

Weblink: www.ariedefilm.nl

Focal Point

German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 18, 21:00 and Tuesday, June 22, 19:00 (SOUR)


Country of Origin / Land: Malaysia, Iran
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 12’36“
Category / Kategorie: Fiction

Director / Regie: Alireza Khatami, Ali Seiffouri
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Alireza Khatami
Cinematographer / Kamera: Filus Ghazali
Editor / Schnitt: Alireza Khatami, Hoda Hajizadeh
Producer / Produktion: Alireza Khatami
Cast / Darsteller: Patrick Teoh, Min Chan, Evi Abdul Jabar, Eka Abdul Jabar, Mina Jazayeri

Synopsis: An old photographer has a magical camera, a legacy from his ancestors. People come to him to find out who their soul mate are. It is not always a happy story when a couple discovers they are not meant for each other. Once in a while he takes his own pictures to add to the growing collection os his loved one’s photograph. Then one day she herself shows up. Fearing that he might not appear in her photograph he lays awake at night. Next day he places his own photograph in the package that he has to hands to her.
Inhalt: Ein alter und einsamer Fotograf hat eine magische Kamera, die Seelenverwandte zeigt. Eines Tages versucht er seine eigene Seelenfreundin zu finden.

Festivals & Awards: Cinemanila International Film Festival Philippine 2009 (Best SEA Short Film Award), International Film & Photo Festival of Students Iran 2010, SFF-rated Athens Intl Sci-Fi & Fantasy Film Festival Greece 2010, Image Of The Year Film Festival Iran 2010, Spectrum Shorts – Rotterdam International Film Festival Netherlands 2010, FAJR International Film Festival Iran 2010, International Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand France 2010

Weblink: www.quix3d.com