Dead Happy

German Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 16, 19:00 and Saturday, June 18, 21:00 (SWEET)


Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 11′
Category: Fiction

Director: Nicky Lianos
Screenplay: David Lemon
Cinematographer: Rollo Hollins
Editor: Rachel Tunnard, Adam Biskupski
Music: Anne Nikitin, Adam Franklin
Producer: Nicky Lianos, Huberta Von Liel

Synopsis: Dead Happy is a short comedy about the Grim Reaper bored with her job trying to cope with her unrequited love for another.
Inhalt: Dead Happy ist eine warmherzige Komödie über einen weiblichen Sensenmann, der von seinem Job gelangweilt ist und außerdem auch noch die unerfüllte Liebe zu einem Kollegen bewältigen muss.

Festivals: Scifiworld SHOTS Short Film Festival; Fresno Film Festival; Omaha Film Festival; Fantasporto Film Festival; London Short Film Festival; Thess International Short Film Festival


No Sleep Won’t Kill You (Nespavanje Ne Ubija)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 19, 19:00 and Monday, June 20, 21:00 (UMAMI)


Country of Origin: Croatia
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 9′
Category: Fiction

Director: Marko Mestrovic
Screenplay: Marko Mestrovic
Cinematographer: Marko Mestrovic
Music: Jessica Lurie, Abraham Gomez-Delgado
Producer: Igor Grubic

Synopsis: What happens when dream takes control over reality? No sleep won’t kill you (or at least not for three or four years), but it will make it increasingly difficult for you to determine what’s real.
Inhalt: Was passiert, wenn der Traum Kontrolle über die Realität erlangt? Schlaflosigkeit wird dich nicht umbringen (oder zumindest nicht für zwei oder drei Jahre), aber sie wird es dir zunehmend schwer machen, zu bestimmen, was noch real ist und was nicht.

Festivals: Expresion En Corto, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, 2010; Magma – Mostra Di Cinema Breve, Acireale, Italy, 2010; Tabor Film Festival, Croatia, 2010; I’ve Seen Films 2010, Milan, Italy; 16. Sarajevo Film Festival, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2010; FICAM 2010 Meknes, Marocco; Dani Hrvatskog Filma, Zagreb, Croatia, 2010; Ljubljana Int’l Short Film Festival, Slovenia, 2010; ANIMAFEST 2010, Zagreb, Croatia; 64th Edinburgh Int’l Film Festival; Annecy 2010, France


The Birthday (Aniversarea)

German Premiere

Screenings: Monday, June 20, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 21, 21:00 (BITTER)


Country of Origin: Romania
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 16′
Category: Fiction

Director: Luiza Parvu
Screenplay: Luiza Parvu, Toma Peiu
Cinematographer: Andrei Goaga
Editor: Letitia Stefanescu
Producer: Sorin Botoseneanu

Synopsis: Adina tries to make a birthday for herself, but this is not an easy job for a lonely bus ticket saleswoman, living alone in the old apartment of her late parents. She eventually finds an unusual way of spending the day, when she decides to call a professional party entertainer.
Inhalt: Die Protagonistin des rumänischen Films „The Birthday“ Adina möchte sich selbst zu ihrem Geburtstag eine Freude machen – keine einfache Sache für eine einsame Busticketverkäuferin, die allein lebt. Doch Adina hat eine besondere Idee: sie engagiert einen professionellen Partyunterhalter.

Festivals: NexT International Film Festival, Romania, 2010; Timishort International Film Festival, Romania, 2010; Transilvania International Film Festival, Romania, 2010
Awards: Best Short Film shot in digital, Cinemaiubit ISFF (work-in-progress screening), 2009; Jury Special Mention, 7a Mostra Internacional de Escolas de Escolas de Cinema ESAP, Portugal, 2010; Black Pearl Award 2nd Prize, Abu Dhabi Film Festival, 2010; Best Foreign Film, Early Bird ISFF, Bulgaria, 2010


Cigarette Candy

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 17, 19:00 and Saturday, June 18, 19:00 (SALTY)


Country of Origin: USA
Year of Production: 2009
Duration: 13′
Category: Fiction

Director: Lauren Wolkstein
Screenplay: Jeff Sousa
Cinematographer: Bill Winters
Editor: Lauren Wolkstein, David Andalman, Jeff Sousa
Music: Ryan Shore
Producer: Michael Fiore

Synopsis: Eddie Van Buren, a traumatized teenage Marine, is forced to play the role of „the hero“ at his homecoming party. In pursuing a rebellious, precocious sixteen-year-old girl, Candy, he sees an opportunity to numb his pain and connect to a fellow lost soul.
Inhalt: Eddie Van Buren, ein traumatisierter Marinesoldat in den Teenagerjahren, ist gezwungen, auf der Familienparty zu Ehren seiner Heimkehr die Rolle „des Helden“ zu spielen. In der ebenfalls anwesenden frühreifen Candy erkennt er eine Seelengefährtin und die Möglichkeit seinen Schmerz zu betäuben… bis das Ventil schließlich dem inneren Druck nachgibt.

Awards: Winner of the Short Film Jury Award for Best Narrative Short, 2010 SXSW Film Festival; Best Student Film, 2010 Williamsburg International Film Festival; Special Jury Award for Outstanding Performance, 2010 Florida Film Festival; Best Student Short Film, 2010 Cleveland International Film Festival, Best Cinematography, 2010 Short Film Festival La Fila (Valladolid, Spain), Red Citation – Humanitarian Award, Best Screenplay, 2009 24fps International Short Film Festival; Best Live Action Student Short Under 15 Minutes, Alexis Award for Most Promising Student Filmmaker, Special Mention,2009 Palm Springs International ShortFest; Adrienne Shelly Foundation: Best Female Director, Plum Pictures Most Promising Filmmaker Award, Independent Film Project Audience Award, Student Choice Award: Best Direction, Entertainment Partners Best Producing, Honorable Mention, 2009 Columbia University Film Festival; Fall 2009 Grant Recipient, 2009 The Caucus for Producers, Writers, & Directors Foundation


Clown’s Revolution

German Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 19, 19:00 and Monday, June 20, 21:00 (UMAMI)


Country of Origin: China
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 10′
Category: Fiction

Director: Sun Xun
Screenplay: Sun Xun
Editor: Sun Xun
Music: Jin Shan
Producer: Gerben Schermer

Synopsis: „Clown’s Revolution“ is about a real island where a group of poets live. It’s a small and completely utopian society, and a dream we have been pursuing; it is a utopian reality, which exists in a life pursued by art. The English title is more like a process we are seeking, which is full of absurdity and metempsychosis.
Inhalt: Unter dem Titel „Clown’s Revolution“ erwartet die Zuschauer eine surreale Bilderwelt: Ein Gruppe von Dichtern hat sich auf einer Insel eine utopische Gesellschaftsform erschaffen, die nur durch ein Leben für die Kunst existiert.

Festivals: Holland Animation Film Festival


Six Weeks (Szesc Tygodni)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Monday, June 20, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 21, 21:00 (BITTER)


Country of Origin: Poland
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 18′
Category: Documentary

Director: Marcin Janos Krawczyk
Screenplay: Marcin Janos Krawczyk
Cinematographer: Wojciech Staron
Editor: Agnieszka Glinska
Producer: Malgorzata Staron

Synopsis: Due to different life situations there are mothers who do not want or those who cannot bring up their children. They have the right to give the child away just after delivery. During the first six weeks of the newborn’s life the mother has to make the decision about the definit resignation of her parental rights. She is free in making her decision however the decision she makes cannot be changed afterwards. A biological mother loses any contact with her child. She can only write a final letter to the child. The film shows in a poetical way the first six weeks of the small human being who was given up.
Inhalt: Der polnische Regisseur Marcin Janos Krawczyk zeigt in seiner ergreifenden Dokumentation „Six Weeks“ die ersten Wochen eines Babys, das zur Adoption freigegeben wird. Er vernachlässigt auch nicht den Blick auf die leibliche Mutter und die wahrscheinlich schwerste Entscheidung in ihrem Leben – denn sie hat nur sechs Wochen Zeit, ihre Entscheidung rückgängig zu machen.

Festivals: Dox Box, Syria; Thessaloniki International Documentary Film Festival, Greece; Curtocurcuito, Spain; Doc a Tunis, Tunisia; Hot Docs, Canada; It’s All True – International Documentary FF, Brasil; Pärnu Film Festival, Estonia; Documentarist, Turkey; Message to Man International FF, Russia; Palm Springs International Short FF, USA; Curt.Doc ISFF, Spain; Lemesos International Documentary Festival, Cyprus; Curtas Vila do Conde, Portugal; DokumentArt, Germany; DokuFest, Kosovo; CNEX Documentary Film Festival, Taiwan; 12th Belo Horizonte International Short Film Festival, Brazil; International Documentary Film Festival Flahertiana, Russia; Al cine, Spain; REC Film Festival, Mexico; Norwegian documentary film festival Eurodok, Norway
Awards: Best Short Film Award, IDFA 2009, The Netherlands; Silver Eye Award, East Silver, Czech Republic; Best Short Documentary Award, Monterrey Film Festival, Mexico.



German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 17, 19:00 and Saturday, June 18, 19:00 (SALTY)


Country of Origin: USA
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 15′
Category: Fiction

Director: Sean Carter
Screenplay: Sean Carter
Cinematographer: Bill Winters
Editor: Sean Carter
Music: Ryan Shore
Producer: Michael Fiore

Synopsis: A pregnant Mexican woman follows a shady human smuggler into an underground border crossing that goes terribly awry.
Inhalt: Eine hochschwangere Mexikanerin lässt sich auf zwielichtige Menschenschmuggler ein, um die Grenze zur USA unterirdisch zu durchqueren. Als sie in einem Tunnel steckenbleibt, wird sie von den Männern allein zurückgelassen.

Festivals: Slamdance Flim Festival, Seattle International Film Festival, Methodfest
Awards: Best Student Film Award, Aspen short film festival, Colorado; semifinalist for Student Academy Awards 2011; Sound Design, Screenwriting and Original Score Award and in First Run Film Festival; National Board of Review motion pictures (NBR) grant; Special Jury Mention at Clermont Film Festival, France
