Dear Lisa (Kjære Lisa)

German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 22, 19:00 (City Kinos) and Tuesday, June 26, 19:00 (

Country of Origin: Norway
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 10′
Category: Fiction

Director: Charlotte Blom
Screenplay: Charlotte Blom
Cinematographer: Øystein Mamen
Music: Kjetil Schander-Larsen
Editor: Zaklina Stojcevska
Producer: Gudrun Austli
Cast: Tone Beate Mostraum, Tiril Muri Krahn, Ågot Sendstad, Trond Høvik, Berit Thofte

Synopsis: In Charlotte Blom´s humorous yet bitter-sweet short film, Dear Lisa, we start out with the speeches Lisa have received through life, from her father’s confirmation speech to her friend’s birthday speech, her husband’s words for her on their wedding day, and during her funeral. The last speech, however, is given by Lisa, when she films herself while addressing her daughter in connection with her future confirmation. When the daughter, seven years later, is watching her mother’s speech on video, past and present meet.
Inhalt: In Charlotte Bloms lustigen und bittersüßen Kurzfilm „Dear Lisa“ werden wir Zeugen der Reden, die Lisa zu Ehren gehalten wurden, von der Konfirmations-Rede ihres Vaters über die Rede einer Freundin an ihrem Geburtsag bis zu den Worten ihres Ehemannes auf ihrer Hochzeit und bei ihrer Beerdigung. Die letzte Rede stammt allerdings von Lisa selbst, als sie sich filmt und zum Anlass der baldigen Konfirmation an ihrer Tochter wendet. Als diese sieben Jahre später die Rede ihrer Mutter auf Video sieht, treffen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart aufeinander.

Festivals: The Norwegian International Film Festival Haugesund, Norway; 5 Cities Festival Aarhus, Denmark; Kort på Kinokino Sandnes, Norway; Göteborg International Film Festival, Sweden


Raimo does not look like Kevin Costner (Raimo ei näytä Kevin Costnerilta)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 22, 19:00 (City Kinos) and Tuesday, June 26, 19:00 (

Country of Origin: Finland
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 7′
Category: Fiction

Director: Ville Rissanen
Screenplay: Ville Rissanen
Cinematographer: Ville Salminen
Music: Jarkko Hietanen
Editor: Ville Salminen
Producer: Ville Rissanen
Cast: Panu Mikkola, Annukka Isomaa

Synopsis: Young adults Raimo and Erja meet on a blind date at the worst possible time; they both seem to have something to hide.
Inhalt: Die beiden Mittzwanziger Raimo und Erja treffen sich zum schlechtmöglichsten Zeitpunkt zu einem Blind Date: Beide scheinen etwas verbergen zu wollen.

Festivals: Helsinki Short Film Festival 2011, Finland; 3rd International Random Film Festival 2012



German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 22, 19:00 (City Kinos) and Tuesday, June 26, 19:00 (

Country of Origin: Canada
Year of Production: 2012
Duration: 8′
Category: Fiction

Director: Jason R. Goode
Screenplay: Sarah Deakins
Cinematographer: Chris Dalton
Editor: Greg Ng
Producer: Dylan Jenkinson
Cast: Sarah Deakins, Ben Cotton, Lucia Frangione

Synopsis: Two strangers struggle for a completely honest connection in a chance, and brief, encounter at a cafe.
Inhalt: Zwei Fremde bemühen sich um einen Moment des ehrlichen Kennenlernens während ihrer zufälligen und kurzen Begegnung in einem Café.

Festivals: Perspectives Canada Program, Cannes 2012, France; Beloit International Film Festival, USA; Julien Dubuque International Film Festival, USA


Which cheese do you want? (Qual queijo você quer?)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 22, 19:00 (City Kinos) and Tuesday, June 26, 19:00 (

Country of Origin: Brazil
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 11′
Category: Fiction

Director: Cíntia Domit Bittar
Screenplay: Cíntia Domit Bittar
Cinematographer: Denny Sach
Music: Mateus Mira
Editor: Cíntia Domit Bittar
Producer: Cíntia Domit Bittar, Ana Paula Mendes, Carol Gesser
Cast: Amélia Bittencourt Henrique César

Synopsis: A simple request – Could you bring me some cheese from the store? – triggers a relationship discussion between an old couple, in this amusing dramatic comedy.
Inhalt: Die einfache Frage „Kannst du mir etwas Käse vom Einkaufen mitbringen?“ wird in dieser lustigen und gleichzeitig dramatischen Komödie zum Auslöser des Streits eines älteren Paares.

Festivals:15º Festival du Court-Métrage de Brusells, Belgium; 8º International Short Film Festival Detmold, Germany; 4º Paulínia Festival de Cinema 2011, Brazil, 39º Festival de Cinema de Gramado 2011; 22º Festival Internacional de Curtas-Metragens de São Paulo, Brazil; 11º Goiânia Mostra Curtas, Brazil; 13º Festival do Rio, Brazil; 21º Curta Cinema – Festival Internacional de Curtas do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 8º Amazonas Film Festival, Brazil; 3º Amazonia DOC 2011, Brazil; 7º Mostra da Conquista, Brazil; 8ª Mostra Competitiva Audiovisual de Ribeirão Preto, Brazil; Mostra Audiovisual Campinas, Brazil; 3º Festival Audiovisual Manuel Padeiro de Cinema e Animação, Brazil; 10º Primeiro Plano Festival de Cinema de Juiz de Fora, Brazil; 3º Festival de Cinema de Montes Claros, Brazil; 1º FAÇA – Festival do Audiovisual Catarinense, Brazil; 2º CineramaBC – Festival Internacional de Balneáario Camboriú, Brazil; 16º Cine PE Festival do Audiovisual, Brazil; 2º Festival LUME de Cinema, Brazil; 6º FAIA – Festival de Atibaia Internacional do Audiovisual, Brazil
Awards: Best Movie at Rio Int’l Film Festival 2011, Brazil; Best Actress at Amazonas Film Festival 2011, Brazil; Best Actress, Best Actor, Best soundtrack at Primeiro Plano Juiz de Fora 2011, Brazil; Best Film for Reflection at Cine PE Recife 2012, Brazil; Juri Prize at Festival do Audiovisual Catarinense Florianópolis 2012, Brazil


Awfully Deep

German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 17, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 21, 19:00 (SOUR)


Country of Origin: United Kingdom, Brazil
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 13′
Category: Fiction

Director: Daniel Florêncio
Screenplay: Daniel Florêncio
Cinematographer: Azul Serra
Editor: Nadia Iqbal
Music: Patrick Moore
Producer: Damien Cullen

Synopsis: Edward, Susan and their son Lino live a nice life in the suburbs, having all that their bourgeois life can afford. Then, one day and without warning, stinky, brown, doughy ’stuff‘ starts appearing outside their expensive and luxurious home. Who’s gonna clean it?
Inhalt: Eine Parabel auf Klassen- und Schichtendenken: Edward, Susan und ihr Sohn Lino leben in einem gutbürgerlichen englischen Vorort. Als sich eines Tages eine stinkende, braune Masse um ihr luxuriöses Heim legt, ignorieren sie den Vorschlag des Sohnes, selbst sauberzumachen. Das sei nicht ihr Job. Doch die braune Masse breitet sich immer weiter aus.

Festivals: Festival de Science Fiction de Nantes, 2010; Clermont-Ferrand International Film Festival, 2011
Awards: Honourable Mention, Athens International Film Festival, 2011


Little Quentin

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 17, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 21, 19:00 (SOUR)


Country of Origin: Netherlands
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 10′
Category: Animation

Director: Albert ‚t Hooft, Paco Vink
Screenplay: Albert ‚t Hooft, Paco Vink
Editor: Albert ‚t Hooft
Music: Maarten Spruijt
Producer: Michiel Snijders, Arnoud Rijken

Synopsis: Oswald Bunny gets help from his friends Jack, Charlie the Clown and Mr.Wilco the astronaut to cover up a terrible crime! Oswald the big Bunny will not escape his punishment, nor will his companions. Murder is no child’s play!
Inhalt: Im niederländischen Animationsfilm „Little Quentin“ muss das Kaninchen Oswald mit Hilfe seiner Freunde Jack, Charlie dem Clown und dem Astronaut Mr. Wilco einen Mord vertuschen – doch der gerechten Strafe können weder erselbst noch seine Freunde entgehen.

Festivals: NAFF Animated Film Festival, Bosnia Herzegovina, 2010; SICAF, South Korea, 2010; AnimaMundi, 2010, Brazil; Utrecht, The Netherlands Film Festival, 2010; Cinematou, Switzerland, 2010; Anim’est, Romania 2010; DOK Leipzig, Germany, 2010; Fike 2010, Portugal, 2010; Leids Film Festival, Portugal 2010; Yasujiro Ozu International Short Film Festival, Italy, 2010; Holland Animation Film Festival, 2010; International Short Film Festival, Belgium, 2010; Clermont-Ferrand, Short Film Festival, France, 2011; Go Short, Netherlands, 2011; Aubagne International Film Festival, France, 2011; Animabasauri AnimaBasque, Spain, 2011; Imagine – Fantastic Film Festival, 2011, Netherlands


Cat and Mice (Kattenkwaad)

German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 17, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 21, 19:00 (SOUR)


Country of Origin: Netherlands
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 9′
Category: Fiction

Director: Nova van Dijk
Screenplay: Laura van Dijk
Editor: JP Luijsterburg
Music: Jeroen Goeijers
Producer: Keren Cogan Galjé

Synopsis: Jonas makes a living by kidnapping cats and returning them to their owners once a reward has been offered. Upon returning home one day with a flyer of a missing girl instead of a missing cat, his life changes dramatically.
Inhalt: Jonas „verdient“ seinen Lebensunterhalt mit der Entführung von Katzen aus der Nachbarschaft. Zurück bringt er sie erst, wenn eine Belohnung ausgesetzt wurde. Als er eines Tages mit der Vermisstenanzeige einer jungen Frau anstatt mit der einer Katze nach Hause kommt, ändert sich sein Leben dramatisch.

Festivals: Dutch Film Festival
Awards: Dutch Entry Academy Award Best Live Action Short Film


That Thing You Drew

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 17, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 21, 19:00 (SOUR)


Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 8′
Category: Fiction

Director: Kerri Davenport Burton
Screenplay: Nicholas Horwood
Editor: Mat Platts Mills
Producer: Sophie Venner

Synopsis: A seven-year old girl with a hearing impediment turns the sound down on her hearing aid to keep the disruptive sounds of the adult world at a safe, muted distance.
Inhalt: Ein kleines, schwerhöriges Mädchen aus schwierigen Verhältnissen flüchtet vor den dauerstreitenden Eltern. Unterwegs in der Stadt sieht sie überall an den Hauswänden das gleiche Bild. Als sie „Das Ding“ in der Schule nachmalt, gibt es Ärger – denn sie weiß noch nicht, dass es sich um das männliche Geschlechtsteil handelt.

Festivals: Palm Springs, Montreal, London, Brest, Tirana, London Short Film Festival, Dresden, Nashville, Oberhausen, Atlanta
Awards: Honorary Mention, LA International Film Festival, 2010; Audience Award, Warsaw International Film Festival, 2010


The Goldmine (La Mina de Oro)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 17, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 21, 19:00 (SOUR)


Country of Origin: Mexico
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 11′
Category: Fiction

Director: Jacques Bonnavent
Screenplay: Jacques Bonnavent
Cinematographer: Ramón Orozco Stoltenberg
Editor: Alexis Rodil
Music: Marc Lejeune
Producer: Hilda Soriano, Ana Graciela Ugalde

Synopsis: Betina, a lonely spinster, meets what appears to be the man of her dreams online, and in the course of time he proposes to her. After quitting her job and selling her apartment, she makes the arduous trip to be with him, but what awaits her is a wholly unexpected fate.
Inhalt: Mit über 50 lernt die allein lebende Betina online den Mann ihrer Träume kennen. Als er ihr einen Heiratsantrag macht, kündigt sie ihren Job, verkauft ihr Appartement und macht sich auf den Weg zu ihm in ein einsames Dorf bei einer alten Goldmine – doch dort schlägt das Schicksal unerwartet zu.

Awards: ShortsTV Best Short Award, Festival de Biarritz, France, 2010; Critics Award, Huesca International Film Festival, Spain 2010; Best Iberoamerican Short Film, Huesca International Film Festival, Spain, 2010; Best Short Fiction, Festival Intl. de Cine de Morelia, Mexico, 2010; Cinema Without Borders Best International Film Award, 2nd place, Best Live Action Short 15min. and Under, Best of the Festival Award, Palm Springs International Shortfest, USA, 2010; Young Jury Award, Clermont Ferrand International Film Festival, France, 2011.
