Friday, June 20, 19:00 and Monday, June 23, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)
La femme de Rio
Portrait of a Fair
Coffee with Jam (Kava sa džemom)
The Society (Elkartea)
Friday, June 20, 19:00 and Monday, June 23, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)
La femme de Rio
Portrait of a Fair
Coffee with Jam (Kava sa džemom)
The Society (Elkartea)
Bavarian Premiere
Screenings: Friday, June 20, 19:00 and Monday, June 23, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)
Country of Origin: Croatia
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 5′
Category: Fiction
Language: No dialogue
Director: Filip Peruzovic
Screenplay: Nikolina Bogdanovic
Cinematographer: Dubravka Kurobasa
Editor: Iva Ivan
Music: Al Bowlly
Producer: Djina Jakir
Cast: Katarina Bistrovic-Darvas, Damir Klemenic
Synopsis: A couple has breakfast in a manner rehearsed to perfection – but one mistimed gesture could turn everything into disaster.
Inhalt: Ein Paar frühstückt, als würde es ein perfektes Theaterstück einüben – doch nur eine unangebrachte Geste würde reichen, um alles in ein Desaster zu verwandeln.
Festivals: 9th International Short Film Festival Detmold (Germany), 11th Tabor Film Festival (Croatia), 11th Gastro Film Festival Osijek (Croatia), International Film Festival Kratkofil Plus (Croatia), 60th Pula Film Festival (Croatia), 24th Sao Paolo International Short Film Festival (Brazil), 10th Miskolc International Film Festival (Hungary), 11th Bogota Short Film Festival (Colombia), 11th Gastro Film Fest (Croatia)
Awards: Best Film and Audience Award at Gastro Film Fest, Best Regional Film at International Film Festival Kratkofil Plus, Best Short Film at Pula Film Festival
German Premiere
Screenings: Friday, June 20, 19:00 and Monday, June 23, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)
Country of Origin: China
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 6′
Category: Animation
Language: No dialogue
Director: Lei Lei, Thomas Sauvin
Screenplay: Lei Lei
Cinematographer: Lei Lei
Editor: Lei Lei
Music: Zafka Zhang
Producer: Lei Lei
Synopsis: Over 3000 photos selected out of half a million negatives salvaged from a recycling plant in the outskirts of Beijing. The capital and the life of its inhabitants over the last thirty years, in an almost epic portrait of anonymous humanity.
Aus einer Recyclinganlage in den Außenbezirken von Beijing wurden über 3000 Fotos aus über einer halben Million Negative selektiert. Sie erzählen von der Hauptstadt und dem Leben ihrer Einwohner während der letzten 30 Jahre. Ein fast episches Porträt von anonymer Menschheit.
Festivals: Holland Animation Film Festival (Netherlands, 2013), International Festival of Animated Films AniFest (Czech Republic, 2013), Annecy International Animated Film Festival (France, 2013), Countryside Animafest Cyprus (Cyprus, 2013), Fantoche – International Animation Film Festival (Switzerland, 2013), Sakhalin Screen International Film Festival (Russia, 2013), 25 FPS – International Experimental Film and Video Festival (Croatia, 2013), Cinanima – International Animated Film Festival (Portugal, 2013), Kaohsiung Film Festival (Taiwan, 2013), Uppsala International Short Film Festival (Sweden, 2013), Big Cartoon Festival (Russia, 2013), Animpact Animation Festival (South Korea, 2013), Sommets du cinéma d’animation (Canada, 2013), Animateka International Animated Film Festival (Slovenia, 2013)
Awards:Grand Prix for non-narrative short at Holland Animation Film Festival, Best non-narrative animation at International Festival of Animated Films AniFest, Special Mention of the Jury at Countryside Animafest Cyprus
World Premiere
Screenings: Friday, June 20, 19:00 and Monday, June 23, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)
Country of Origin: India
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 11′
Category: Documentary
Language: Gujarati with English subtitles
Director: Mustaqeem Khan
Cinematographer: Mustaqeem Khan, Hansil Dabhi
Editor: Mustaqeem Khan
Producer: Hansil Dabhi
Synopsis: A tour through a fair, in a village many kilometers away from the city.
Inhalt: Eine Tour durch ein Volksfest in einem Dorf, viele Kilometer von der Stadt entfernt.
German Premiere
Screenings: Friday, June 20, 19:00 and Monday, June 23, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)
Country of Origin: France
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 21′
Category: Fiction
Language: French with English subtitles
Director: Emma Luchini
Cinematographer: Prune Brenguier
Editor: Matthieu Blanchard
Producer: Maxime Delauney, Romain Rousseau
Synopsis: Gabriel, a reformed alcoholic since three months, has locked himself in his flat and refuses to set foot outside. But one day Audrey, a young woman looking for her cell phone, succeeds in breaking into Alcatraz. The two get on immediately, but they are also unable to start anything serious. What if they decide to live their entire love story in one night?
Inhalt: Gabriel, ein seit drei Monaten geläuterter Alkoholiker, hat sich in seiner Wohnung eingeschlossen und weigert sich, ein Fuß vor die Tür zu setzen. Doch eines Tages gelingt es Audrey, einer jungen Frau auf der Suche nach ihrem Handy, in Alcatraz einzubrechen. Die zwei gefallen einander sofort, sind aber unfähig Etwas ernstes anzufangen. Was wäre, wenn sie sich entschieden, ihre ganze Liebesgeschichte in einer Nacht zu leben?
Festivals: Festival du Cinéma Européen de Bordeaux (France, 2013), Brussels Short Film Festival (France, 2013), Festival Court en Champagne (France, 2013), Festival Tous Courts (France, 2013), Festival premiers plans (France, 2014), Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival (France, 2014), Festival Honfleur Tout Court (France, 2014), Festival International du film court d’Altrkirch (France, 2014), Vienna Independent Shorts (Austria, 2014), Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (Japan, 2014), Côté Court (France, 2014), Festival du film court en Seine-Saint-Denis/Pantin (France, 2014)
Awards: Audience Award Festival du Cinéma Européen de Bordeaux, Award to the Best Actress at Brussels Short Film Festival, Audience Award at Festival Court en Champagne
German Premiere
Screenings: Friday, June 20, 19:00 and Monday, June 23, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)
Country of Origin: Spain
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 16′
Category: Fiction
Language: Basque with English subtitles
Director: Kote Camacho
Screenplay: Ander Lendinez, Kote Camacho
Cinematographer: Kote Camacho
Editor: Kote Camacho
Music: Euskadiko Orkestra Sinfonikoa and Donostiako Orfeoia
Producer: Kote Camacho
Cast: Iñaki Beraetxe, Eriz Alberdi, Pako Revueltas, Martxelo Rubio, Iker Galartza
Synopsis: A group of old friends get together to cook and have a good dinner. Life has played tricks on one of them, disappeared for years, and he is now living on the street. The dinner will not be as comfortable as expected.
Inhalt: Eine Gruppe alter Freunde trifft sich, um gemeinsam zu kochen und einen guten Abend zu verbringen. Doch einem von ihnen hat das Leben Streiche gespielt. Er war für Jahre verschwunden und lebt jetzt auf der Straße. Das Dinner wird also nicht so angenehm wie erwartet.
Festivals: Gau Laburra (Spain, 2013), Eibar Short Film Festival (Spain, 2013), Ikuska – Pasaia Short Film Exhibition (Spain, 2013), Ull-nu (Andorra, 2013), Hendaia International Film Festival (France, 2013), Lekeitio Film and Video Festival (Spain, 2013), Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival (France, 2014), Tetouan Short Film Festival (Morocco, 2014), The Norwegian Short Film Festival (Norway, 2014)
Awards: First Prize at Gau Laburra, Best Basque Film Award at Eibar Short Film Festival, First Prize at Ull-nu, Best Short Film Award at Hendaia International Film Festival, Best Direction Award at Lekeitio Film and Video Festival
German Premiere
Screenings: Friday, June 21, 19:00 and Monday, June 24, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)
Country of Origin / Land: Australia
Year of Production / Jahr: 2012
Duration / Länge: 5′
Category / Kategorie: Experimental
Language / Sprache: No dialogue
Director / Regie: Nick Moore
Cinematographer / Kamera: Marcus Dineen
Music / Musik: Nick Moore
Editor / Schnitt: Nick Moore
Producer / Produktion: Simone Taylor
Cast / Darsteller: Tank
Synopsis: The moving image <-> the body in motion. A one minute trapeze routine is transformed into an elementary stage trick, a music box automaton and a kaleidoscopic carousel. This is where slight-of-hand meets spectacle and circus becomes cinema.
Inhalt: Das bewegte Bild – der bewegte Körper. Eine einminütige Routineübung auf dem Trapez wird umgewandelt in einen elementaren Bühnentrick, eine Musikbox und ein kaleidoskopisches Karussell. Das ist die Grenze, an der zierliche Hände zum Schauspiel werden und Zirkus zum Kino wird.
Festivals: Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival 2013, Mecal Short Film and Animation Festival (Barcelona, Spain) 2013, Message to Man (St Petersburg, Russia) 2012, Sydney Film Festival 2012, Melbourne International Film Festival 2012, Athens International Film and Video Festival (Ohio, USA) 2012
Awards: Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival 2013, Prix Canal+ in The Lab Competition
Friday, June 21, 19:00 and Monday, June 24, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)
Feral Painter
One, Two, Three, Volcano! (Um, dois, três, vulcão!)
And Death Will Be Alright
When One Stops (Hänen tilanne)
Smoke and Mirrors (Rauch und Spiegel)
The Dance of the Little Spider (La danza del piccolo ragno)
Bavarian Premiere
Screenings: Friday, June 21, 19:00 and Monday, June 24, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)
Country of Origin / Land: Finland
Year of Production / Jahr: 2012
Duration / Länge: 6′
Category / Kategorie: Animation
Language / Sprache: No dialogue
Director / Regie: Jenni Rahkonen
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Jenni Rahkonen
Music / Musik: Jukra
Editor / Schnitt: Jenni Rahkonen
Producer / Produktion: Eija Saarinen
Synopsis: The world won’t stop turning even when one stops turning with it.
Inhalt: Die Erde wird nicht aufhören, sich zu drehen – selbst dann nicht, wenn ein Einzelner aufhört, sich mit ihr zu drehen.
Festivals: Tampere Film Festival 2013, Helsinki Short Film Festival 2012, Animasyros, Animation Volda, Animage, DOK Leipzig, Fredrikstad Animation Festival, Flip Animation Film Festival, Animated Dreams, Helsinki Short Film Festival, L’Alternativa Barcelona Independent Film Festival, Zubroffka, Premiers Plans, Akbank Short Film Festival, ALTER-NATIVE IFF, SKENA UP, Monstra Festival, Minimalen Short Film Festival, Animac, Tricky Women, Animfest Athens, Holland Animation Film Festival, Animatricks, Kyiv International Short Film Festival, Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film, Anifest, Mediawave, European Short Film Festival, Anifilm, Annecy International Animation Festival, Jerusalem International Film festival, Reykjavik Shorts & docs
Awards: Main Prize (national competition), Tampere Film Festival 2013, Scolarship to live and work under the artist-in-residence program, Tricky Women 2013, Special Award, Animation Volda 2012
German Premiere
Screenings: Friday, June 21, 19:00 and Monday, June 24, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)
Country of Origin / Land: Canada
Year of Production / Jahr: 2012
Duration / Länge: 5′
Category / Kategorie: Animation
Language / Sprache: No dialogue
Director / Regie: Alisi Telengut
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Alisi Telengut
Cinematographer / Kamera: Alisi Telengut
Music / Musik: David Fiorentino, Huun Huur Tu, Carmen Rizzo
Editor / Schnitt: Alisi Telengut
Producer / Produktion: Alisi Telengut, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University
Synopsis: Wind burial, influenced by Shamanism, is an old Mongolian tradition. When someone dies, the corpse is carried on a cart until a bump causes the body to fall. The place where the body lands becomes a simple tomb.
Inhalt: Vom Schamanismus beeinflusste Windbestattungen sind eine alte mongolische Tradition. Wenn Jemand stirbt, wird der Leichnam auf einem Wagen transportiert, bis eine Unebenheit des Bodens den Körper zu Fall bringt. An dieser Stelle wird ein einfaches Grab errichtet.
Festivals: 2013 Melbourne International Animation Festival, International Competition category Melbourne, Australia, 2013 Reel Earth Environmental Film Festival Palmerston North, New Zealand, 2013 Australian International Animation Festival, International Program #3 Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia, 2013 1st Cinema Turbulent International Film Festival at the Canadian Anthropology Society Annual Conference, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada, 2013 Festival Golden Anteaters, Animation Contest category Lublin, Poland, 2013 Festival l’Inconnu Paris, France, 2013 Canada International Film Festival, Animation Competition, Vancouver, Canada Award: Rising Star Award in Animation Competition, 2013 2nd International Motion Festival Cyprus, Take It to The Limit program Cyprus, Greece, 2013 Festival du Film Ethnographique du Que´bec, Experimental Bloc Montreal and Quebec city, 2013 Le11eFestivalduFilmE´tudiantdeQue´bec Quebec city, 2012 Les 11es Sommets du Cine´ma d’Animation a` Montre´al, Student International Selection Category, Montreal, Canada, 2012 19th International Film Festival Etiuda & Anima, International Competition Category Krakow, Poland, 2012 Animpact Animation Festival Max 2012, International Competition Category Seoul, South Korea, 2012 54th ZINEBI International Festival of Documentary and Short Film, International Competition Category, Bilbao, Spain, 2012 16th Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival, It’s Not What You Think Program, Toronto, Canada, 2012 Youngcuts Film Festival 2012, Animation and Music Screening, Montreal, Canada, 2012 36th Ottawa International Animation Festival, Canadian Student Show Case, Ottawa, Canada, 2012 19th KROK International Animated Film Festival, International Competition Category, Kiev, Ukraine, 2012 Montreal World Film Festival, 43rd Canadian Student Film Festival, Montreal, Canada, 2012 16th Fantasia International Film Festival, Montreal, Canada
Awards: 2012 Best Animated Film, Montreal World Film Festival, 43rd Student Festival Montreal, Canada 2012 Honorable Mention of Best Canadian Student Animation, 36th Ottawa International Animation Festival, Ottawa, Canada 2013 Meilleur Film d’Animation, 11e Festival du Film E´tudiant de Que´bec, Que´bec city, Canada 2013 Rising Star Award in Animation Competition, Canada International Film Festival 2013 Vancouver, Canada