A Purpleman

German Premiere

Screenings:Friday, June 22, 19:00 (City Kinos) and Tuesday, June 26, 19:00 (film.coop)

Country of Origin: South Korea
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 13′
Category: Animation

Director: Tak-hoon Kim
Screenplay: Hyung-Kee Lee
Cinematographer: Ki-Man Kim
Music: Tae-Keun Kim
Editor: Tae-Sik Han, Jun-Ho Cho
Producer: Tak-hoon Kim
Cast: Hyuk Kim

Synopsis: 18 year-old North Korean-born Hyuk Kim is tortured in prison for illegal trading to China. He is released on a special amnesty and succeeds in escaping from North to South Korea. Hyuk Kim now lives happily here, being able to eat his favorite boiled eggs as much as he wants at a buffet. But sometimes he is disheartened by the economic crisis or discrimination in South Korea. He does not think he’s a red man, the color symbolizing the North, nor a blue man of South Korea. Then what is he? A purple man? This is the tale of Hyuk Kim as a North Korean refugee in South Korea with no political intention.
Inhalt: Der 18-jährige Nordkoreaner Hyuk Kim wird im Gefängnis für illegalen Handel mit China gefoltert. Er wird bagnadigt und kann nach Südkorea fliehen. Dort lebt er glücklich, da er in den Selbstbedienungs-Restaurants unendlich viele seiner Lieblingseier essen kann. Manchmal stimmen ihn die Wirtschfatskrise und die Diskriminierung dennoch traurig. Er sieht sich selbst weder als roten Mann Nordkoreas, noch als blauen Mann des Südens. Aber was ist er dann? Lila? Dies ist die Geschichte von Hyuk Kim als nordkoreanischer Flüchtling ohne politische Absichten in Südkorea.

Festivals: ION Animation Game and Short Film Festival 2012, Turkey; Tampere Film Festival 2011, Finland; San Francisco International Film Festival 2011, USA; AMC Theatre Kansas City Film Festival 2011, USA; Tokyo Short Shorts Film Festival 2011, Japan; Cinema Digital Film Festival 2011, Korea; DMZ Film Festival 2011, Korea; Gwangju Human Rights Film Festival 2011, Korea
Awards: DMC Contents Award Korea; Best Asian International Film at Tokyo Short Shorts Film Festival 2011, Japan
