You Too (Na Wewe)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 17, 19:00 and Saturday, June 18, 19:00 (SALTY)


Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Production: 2010
Duration: 19′
Category: Fiction

Director: Jean-Luc Pening, Ivan Goldschmidt
Screenplay: Ivan Goldschmidt
Cinematographer: Guy Maezelle
Editor: Ivan Goldschmidt
Music: Jérémie Hakéshimana
Producer: Ivan Goldschmidt

Synopsis: 1994. There is a civil war in Burundi, we are witnessing the attack of a minibus. A Kalashnikov bursts. The bus stops, the passengers get off. There follows the „selection“ between the Hutus and the Tutsis. The groups are separated, the questioning begins. But who’s a Hutu, who’s a Tutsi?
Inhalt: 1994 in Burundi an der Grenze zu Ruanda: Schon der Schauplatz deutet eine dramatische Geschichte im Schatten des Genozids an. Und Regisseur Ivan Goldschmidt enttäuscht die Erwartungen des Zuschauers nicht. Ein Bus wird von der örtlichen Miliz gestoppt, die Passagiere sollen in Hutus und Tutsi aufgeteilt werden – augenscheinlich, um die Tutsi zu töten. Doch wer ist Hutu und wer Tutsi?

Awards: 2011 Oscars®, short Live Action nominee, Los Angeles, USA; Nomination Best Short Film Award – 2011 Heart of Gold International Film Festival, Australia; Best Narrative Award – 2011 Heart of Gold International Film Festival, Australia; Grand Prix of the Short Film, Tübingen Festival, Germany; The Public’s Prize, Brussels Festival, Belgium; The Authors‘ Prize, Brussels Independent Film Festival, Belgium; 2nd Prize – Confrontations – at the Berlin Interfilm Festival, Germany; Prize of the Press and B-TV Prize, The Media Festival 10/10, Namur, Belgium; Ciné-courts Prize, Le Court en Dit Long Festival, Paris, France; Honourable Mention, Flickerfest, Australia; The Clover and Maggie Award, Cleveland, USA; Best film in independent film Best of Fest 2010, USA.


A Small Anatomy of the Image (Petite anatomie de l’image)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Saturday, June 19, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 22, 21:00 (UMAMI)


Country of Origin / Land: Belgium / Belgien
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 21’00“
Category / Kategorie: Experimental

Director / Regie: Olivier Smolders
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Olivier Smolders
Cinematographer / Kamera: Louis-Philippe Capelle
Editor / Schnitt: Olivier Smolders
Music / Musik: Alain Wergifosse
Producer / Produktion: Olivier Smolders

Synopsis: Towards the end of the 18th century, artists from Florence reproduced in wax bodies that had been dissected by surgeons. In a symetrical way, “Petite anatomie” features images through cuts, grafts, dissections. The result is a mixture of strange creatures.
Inhalt: Gegen Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts fertigen Künstler Wachs-Kopien von Körpern, die zuvor von Chirurgen aufgeschnitten wurden. Auf ganz eigene Art und Weise liefert “Petite anatomie” ein kaleidoskopische Bilderfahrt.

Festivals & Awards: Quinzaine du Cinéma Francophone France 2009, Media 10/10 Belgium 2009, Festival Tous Courts France 2009, Festival du Film de Vendôme France 2009, Festival du Film court francophone France 2010, Festival International du Court Métrage de Clermont-Ferrand France 2010 (Grand Prix de la Compétition Labo), Festival Image et Santé de Liège Belgium 2010, Filmfest Dresden Germany 2010, Art Film Fest Slovakia 2010


Nighthawks (Nachtraven)

German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 18, 19:00 and Monday, June 21, 21:00 (SALTY)


Country of Origin / Land: Belgium / Belgien
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 13’50“
Category / Kategorie: Fiction

Director / Regie: Hans Van Nuffel
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Hans Van Nuffel
Cinematographer / Kamera: Rik Zang
Editor / Schnitt: Alain Dessauvage
Music / Musik: Tape Tum
Producer / Produktion: Steven Dhoedt
Cast / Darsteller: Valentijn Dhaenens, Kirsten Pieters, Inge Van Bruysteghem

Synopsis: A disillusioned older woman is trying to hide her true nature from the young girl she is dating. Things heat up considerably when her maker shows up, displeased with her life in denial and her outright refusal to see him. A story about passionate affaires, vicious circles and fresh blood.
Inhalt: Eine desillusionierte alte Frau versucht, ihr wahres Ich vor dem jungen Mädchen, mit dem sie ausgeht, zu verbergen. Die Lage verschärft sich, als ihr „Erschaffer“ auftaucht, der verstimmt ist, weil sie sich weigert, ihr Wesen zu akzeptieren oder sich mit ihm zu treffen. Eine Geschichte über leidenschaftliche Affären, Teufelskreise und frisches Blut.

Festivals & Awards: International Short Film Festival Lueven Belgium 2010 (National Premiere)


Personal Spectator

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 13, 21:00 and Tuesday, June 17, 19:00 (SOUR)


Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Production: 2005
Duration: 14’30“
Category: Fiction

Director: Emmanuel Jespers
Screenplay: Emmanuel Jespers
Cinematographer: Glynn Speeckaert
Editor: Emmanuel Jespers
Music: Marc Engels, Carine Zimmerlin
Producer: Emmanuel Jespers
Cast: Emily Hamilton, Tom Harper

Synopsis: In an almost deserted self-service a woman is accosted by a guy offering her a brand new and quick therapy to cure her seemingly bland existence: looking at her for 5 minutes, until she starts feeling that she exists. The woman thinks of a joke… It isn’t. And it has unpredictable consequences.

Festivals & Awards: Ghent International Film Festival Belgium (Best Film), Heart of Gold International Film Fest Australia 2007 (Nominee – Best Foreign Film), WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival USA 2007 (Best Comedy/Adaptation), Festival International du Film d’Amour de Mons Belgium 2007 (Arte Belgium Award), International Film Festival of Drama Greece 2007 (Best Actress: Emily Hamilton), Capalbio International Short Film Festival Italy 2007 (Best Subject), Festival Internacional de Filmets Badalona Spain 2007 (Best European Film, Best Actress: Emily Hamilton), Miami International Short Film Festival USA 2007 (Opening Ceremony, Nominee – Best Narrative Film), Interfilm Berlin Germany 2007 (Special Mention of Jury Award), Rhode Island International Film Festival USA 2007 (Opening Ceremony, Best Screenplay), Media 10-10 Belgium 2006 (Press Jury Award, BeTV Award), International Short Film Festival Detmold Germany 2007, Avignon International Film Festival 2007, Festival Le Court en Dit Long France 2007, Festival International du Film Independant Belgium 2007, International Short Film Festival Bristol UK 2007, Short Cuts Cologne Germany 2007, Festival International du Film d’Amiens France 2007, DC Shorts Int Short Film Fest USA 2007, Los Angeles Int Short Film Fest USA 2007, Woods Hole Int Film Fest USA 2007



Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Saturday, June 14, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 17, 21:00 (UMAMI)


Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Production: 2006
Duration: 10’25“
Category: Experimental

Director: Benjamin d’Aoust
Screenplay: Benjamin d’Aoust
Editor: Cedric Zoenen
Music: Aline Huber
Producer: Laurent Hanon

Synopsis: A lonely child plays with his small ball against a huge wall. The rhythm that he produces takes him away from his loneliness. Suddenly, a deaf rhythm emerges in constant displacement and perturbs the child. The child searches and experiments to understand from where come theses echoes…

Festivals & Awards: Le court en dit long Paris France 2007 (Grand Prix), Asiana International Short Film Festival Seoul South Korea 2007 (New Film Maker Award), Festival film court de Villeurbanne France 2007 (Prix Mozaic de l’Innovation), 4eme Concours de courts de Toulouse France 2007-05 (Third Prize), Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival Belgium 2007 (Award of RTBF), 7eme Festival du court-metrage de Nice France 2007 (Audience Award), 8th International Film Festival Aubagna Belgium 2007, Independent International Film Festival Lisboa Portugal 2007, 2nd Montreal Underground Film Festival Montreal Canada 2007, 35th Algarve International Film Festival Portimao Portugal 2007, 35th International Film Festival Huesca Spain 2007, 22nd Cinema Jove International Film Festival Valencia Spain 2007, Festival Cine Fleuve – La Grande Region France 2007, Festival Nouveau Cinema de Montreal Canada 2007, Festival du film d’Amiens France 2007, Imago International Young Film Festival Portugal 2007, Odense Film Festival Denmark 2007, Sao Paolo Short Film Festival Brazil 2007, 22nd Braunschweig International Film Festival Germany 2007, Festival Alcine Madrid Spain 2007, Festival de court metrage de Bruxelles Belgium 2006, International Festival for Art & Theatre Lovers Dubrovnik Croatia 2006, Festival Silhouette Paris France 2006, Tinkai International Short Film Festival Vilnius Lithuania 2006, Festival International du Film Francophone Namur Belgium 2006, Scrittura e Immagine Pescara International Film Festival Italy 2006



German Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 15, 21:00 and Monday, June 16, 19:00 (BITTER)


Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Production: 2006
Duration: 13’50“
Category: Fiction

Director: Chloe Cramer
Screenplay: Chloe Cramer
Cinematographer: Florent Bagard
Editor: Nicolas Rumpl
Music: Boris Kish
Producer: Rodolphe de Callatay, Samuel Henry, Catherine Lemarchand
Cast: Yasko Sakaedani, Jean-Michel Vovk, Takano, Cyril Briant, Ives Swennen, Kunbo Meng

Synopsis: A video-surveillance evidence seems to prove that she had an affair with an employee of the hotel where the Japanese stay. The employee is fired and leaves the hotel. The Japanese girl follows him, the employee sends her packing. She drifts into the city, until their road cross again. The employee takes her to an abandoned house. He deflowers her. That marks the end of their relationship. She leaves the house and meets her father in the night.

Festivals & Awards: Bologna European School Festival Bologna Italy 2006, International Festival for Cinema School Huy Belgium 2006, Het groote Ongeduld Brussels Belgium 2006


Tanghi Argentini

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 12, 19:00 and Saturday, June 14, 21:00 (SWEET)

Tanghi Argentini

Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Production: 2006
Duration: 13’13“
Category: Fiction

Director: Guido Thys
Screenplay: Geert Verbanck
Cinematographer: Frank van den Eeden
Editor: Alain Desauvage
Music: Allan Muller
Producer: Anja Daelemans, Dries Phlypo
Cast: Dirk van Dijck, Koen van Impe, Hilde Norga, Mathias Sercu, Wannes Cappelle

Synopsis: Despite the faceless and cold atmosphere at his work place, an office clerk tries to make his colleagues happy. Instead of the classical cliche Christmas gifts, he wants to give his colleagues something real and precious. Tanghi Arghentini is a modern fairy tale.

Festivals & Awards: Academy Awards in Los Angeles USA 2008 (Oscar Nominee for category Live Action Short), Boulder International Film Festival USA 2008 (Best Short Film), Byron Bay Film Festival Australia 2008 (Best Cinematography Award, Best Short Film), European Short Film Festival FEC Cambrils-Reus France 2008 (First Award of the European Competition), Florida Film Festival USA 2008 (Audience Award for Best International Short), European Festival of Shorts of Bordeaux France 2008 (Jury Award), International Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand France 2007 (Audience Award, Mediatheques Award, Best Comedy „Fernand Raynaud“ Award), Aspen Shortsfest USA 2007 (Audience Award, The Ellen Award Certificate of Distinctive Achievement, BAFTA LA Award for Excellence, Special Jury Recognition), Brussels Short Film Festival Belgium 2007 (Best Actor Award: Dirk van Dijck, Best Cinematography Award), International Short Film Festival „Almeria en Corto“ Spain 2007 (Audience Award), La Cittadella del Corto Rome Italy 2007, (Award for Best Film of the Festival), Tabor Film Festival Croatia 2007 (Audience Award), Rhode Island International Film Festival USA 2007 (Best Short Film), Seattle’s 1 Reel Film Festival USA 2007 (Best Narrative Short Film), LA Shorts Fest USA 2007 (Best Foreign Film Award), Moondance International Film Festival USA 2007 (Best Foreign Short Film Award), Milwaukee International Film Festival Canada 2007 (Audience Award for Best in Show Short Film), Middle East International Film Festival United Arab Emirates 2007 (Audience Award for Best Short Film), International Film Festival Cine-Jeune de l’Aisne France 2007 (Best Short Film), New York City Short Film Festival USA 2007 (Best Comedy Award), Festival Cinema Tout Ecran Geneva Switzerland 2007 (Audience Award for Best Short Film), International Short Film Festival interfilm Berlin Germany 2007 (Best Fiction Award), St. Louis International Film Festival USA 2007 (Best International Short), „Cinessonne“ European Film Festival France 2007 (Audience Award), Festinval de Cine de Alcala de Henares Madrid Spain 2007 (Audience Award), Prague Short Film Festival Czech Republic 2007 (Special Honourable Jury Mention), International Filmets Festival Badalona Barcelona 2007 (Best Actor Award: Dirl von Dijck), Festival Tous Courts d’Aix en Provence France 2007 (Special Jury Mention), Flanders International Film Festival Ghent Belgium 2006 (Best Belgian Short), Atlanta Flickerfest International Short Film Festival Australia 2008, Portland International Film Festival USA 2008, Minimalen Short Film Festival Norway 2008, Cleveland International Film Festival USA 2008, Regard sur le court metrage au Saguenay Quebec Canada 2008, International Film Festival USA 2008, Kansas City Filmmakers Jubilee International Film Festival USA 2008, RiverRun International Film Festival USA 2008, International Film Festival Berlin 2007, Bermuda International Film Festival 2007, NexT International Short and Medium Length Film Festival Romania 2007, Granada International Young Filmmakers Festival Spain 2007, Nashville Film Festival USA 2007, Shadowline SalernoFilmFest Italy 2007, International Film Festival Cannes France 2007, Newport International Film Festival USA 2007, Jackson Hole Film Festival USA 2007, Worldwide Short Film Festival Toronto Canada 2007, Mise-en-Scene’s Genres Film Festival Korea 2007, Brindisi International Film Festival Italy 2007, Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival-PiFan Korea 2007, Melbourne International Film Festival Australia 2007, Espoo Cine International Film Festival Spain 2007, Montreal World Film Festival Canada 2007, Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival Brazil 2007, Palm Springs Intl ShortFest USA 2007, Toofy Film Fest Boulder USA 2007, Fantastisk Film Festival Lund Sweden 2007, Mecal International Short Film Festival Spain 2007, Athens International Film Festival Greece 2007, Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival UK 2007, Nederlands Film Festival The Netherlands 2007, Filmfest Hamburg Germany 2007, Mill Valley Film Festival USA 2007, Curtocircuito 07 Spain 2007, St. John’s International Women’s Film Festival UK 2007, Aarhus Film Festival Denmark 2007, Festival du cinema international en Abitibi-Temiscamingue Canada 2007, Festival of European Films on Wheels Turkey 2007, Brest European Short Film Festival France 2007, Festival du court Metrage Media 10-10 Belgium 2007, Short Film Festival of Lyon France 2007, San Luis International Film Festival Argentina 2007, Evora International Short Film Festival – FIKE Portugal 2007, Short Film Festival Sequence Toulouse France 2007, Festival du Film de Vendome France 2007, International Short Film Festival Leuven Belgium 2007



German Premiere

Screenings: Saturday, March 25, 2006, 22:30 and Sunday, March 26, 2006, 12:30 (SOUR)


Country of Origin: Belgium
Year of Production: 2005
Duration: 13’22“
Category: Fiction

Director: Joke Liberge
Screenplay: Joke Liberge
Cinematographer: Nicolas Karakatsanis
Editor: Els Voorspoels
Production Designer: Walter Brugmans
Sound: Senjan Jansen
Music: Stijn, Dagobert Sondervan
Producer: Els Voorspoels
Cast: Guus Tijssen, Dirk Gerrits, Maaike van den Bosch, Tahnee van Laere, Tom Maassen

Synopsis: On a hot summer day, five adolescents seek refreshment near a river. Whilst we observe their behaviour within the group, the apparently calm day tends to be disrupted. A poetic short film, without dialogue, about a seemingly harmless and innocent day.

Festivals & Awards: Sonar Film Festival Firenze 2006, International Short Film Festival Istanbul 2006, Festival Cinéma Nordique Rouen 2006, Au Film de l’Eau Film Festival Verviers 2006, International Film Festival Rotterdam 2006 (Prix UIP), International Short Film Festival Leuven 2005, International Film Festival Ghent 2006 (Best Belgian Short Film)
