Focal Point

German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 18, 21:00 and Tuesday, June 22, 19:00 (SOUR)


Country of Origin / Land: Malaysia, Iran
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 12’36“
Category / Kategorie: Fiction

Director / Regie: Alireza Khatami, Ali Seiffouri
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Alireza Khatami
Cinematographer / Kamera: Filus Ghazali
Editor / Schnitt: Alireza Khatami, Hoda Hajizadeh
Producer / Produktion: Alireza Khatami
Cast / Darsteller: Patrick Teoh, Min Chan, Evi Abdul Jabar, Eka Abdul Jabar, Mina Jazayeri

Synopsis: An old photographer has a magical camera, a legacy from his ancestors. People come to him to find out who their soul mate are. It is not always a happy story when a couple discovers they are not meant for each other. Once in a while he takes his own pictures to add to the growing collection os his loved one’s photograph. Then one day she herself shows up. Fearing that he might not appear in her photograph he lays awake at night. Next day he places his own photograph in the package that he has to hands to her.
Inhalt: Ein alter und einsamer Fotograf hat eine magische Kamera, die Seelenverwandte zeigt. Eines Tages versucht er seine eigene Seelenfreundin zu finden.

Festivals & Awards: Cinemanila International Film Festival Philippine 2009 (Best SEA Short Film Award), International Film & Photo Festival of Students Iran 2010, SFF-rated Athens Intl Sci-Fi & Fantasy Film Festival Greece 2010, Image Of The Year Film Festival Iran 2010, Spectrum Shorts – Rotterdam International Film Festival Netherlands 2010, FAJR International Film Festival Iran 2010, International Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand France 2010



German Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 17, 19:00 and Saturday, June 19, 21:00 (SWEET)


Country of Origin / Land: Netherlands / Holland
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 10’00“
Category / Kategorie: Fiction

Director / Regie: Michiel ten Horn
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Michiel ten Horn
Cinematographer / Kamera: Jasper Wolf
Editor / Schnitt: Brian Ent, D.C.E. – The Ambassadors
Music / Musik: Bart Westerlaken
Producer / Produktion: Julius Ponton, Frieder Wallis
Cast / Darsteller: Aart Staartjes, Erik van der Donk

Synopsis: For the elderly Mr. Manders, the last years of his life consist only of one thing: loneliness. His light is waning, his spirit drained. The only thing that can still put a smile on his face is his pet canary, Arie. Strangely, it is the death of this yellow spark of life that brings unexpected joy and new friendships.
Inhalt: Für den alten Herrn Manders bestehen die letzten Jahre seines Lebens nur noch aus Einsamkeit. Seine Zeit neigt sich dem Ende entgegen. Das einzige, was ihn noch zu einem Lächeln ermutigen kann, ist sein Kanarienvogel Arie. Ausgerechnet der Tod seines kleinen gelben Freundes bringt jedoch wieder unerwartete Lebensfreude und neue Freundschaften.

Festivals & Awards: Netherlands Film Festival Netherlands 2009



German Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 18, 19:00 and Saturday, June 20, 21:00 (SWEET)


Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Year of Production: 2008
Duration: 14′
Category: Fiction

Director: Sam Donovan
Screenplay: Andrew Yerlett
Cinematographer: Fabian Wagner
Editor: Alastair Reid
Music: Tara Creme
Producer: Prakash Patel
Cast: Antonia Campbell Hughes, Paula Jennings, Danny Cunningham, Rielly Newbold

Synopsis: Oddball Boris tries to reunite his parents on a shark-spotting trip off the North Yorkshire coast. Only, his biggest enemy is along for the ride, his mother“s girlfriend, Lilah.
Festivals & Awards: Performance Media Short Film Comp @ BAFTA, UK 2009 (3rd Prize), Hull Glimmer, UK 2009 (Special Mention), Fastnet Short Film Festival, Ireland 2009 (Best Comedy)

Good Night

German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 19, 21:00 and Tuesday, June 23, 19:00 (SOUR)


Country of Origin: Korea
Year of Production: 2008
Duration: 21′
Category: Fiction

Director: Min-Kee CHAE
Screenplay: Min-Kee CHAE
Cinematographer: Jae-Hyeok LEE
Editor: Chang-Ju KIM
Music: Deok-Kyoung LIM
Light: Chan-Yun PARK
Cast: Dong-Yun KIM, Jeong-Seok KIM, Bok-In YOON, Si-Eun HA

Synopsis: For an important exam Do-Jin undergoes an operation that results in not needing any sleep. Some time later he experiences certain difficulties. And the only way to regain sleep is kind of extreme.
Festivals & Awards:

Of Best Intentions

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 18, 19:00 and Saturday, June 20, 21:00 (SWEET)

Country of Origin: Ireland
Year of Production: 2008
Duration: 14′
Category: Fiction

Director: Brian Durnin
Screenplay: Brian Durnin
Cinematographer: Ivan McCullough
Editor: Lee Hickey
Producer: Paul Holmes
Cast: Stuart Graham, Ian McElhinney, Fiona O’Shaughnessy, Prasad Jadhav, Rita Davies, Delrick Vinu, Deva Naidu

Synopsis: We all want to leave behind a little something for future generations to remember us by, a legacy.

Festivals & Awards: Kerry Film Festival 2008 ( Winner Best Short Film), Belfast Film Festival 2008 (Winner Best Short Film), Galway Film Fleadh 2008, Cork Film Festival 2008, Dublin Film Festival 2008, Palm Springs 2008, Boston Irish Film Festival 2008, Golden Lion Film Festival 2008, The Irish Film & Television Awards 2009, Tribeca Film Festival 2009

The Suspicion (Der Verdacht)

Screening: Friday June 19, 23:00 (BEST OF GERMANY I)


Country of Origin: Deutschland
Year of Production: 2007
Duration: 26′
Category: Fiction

Director: Felix Hassenfratz
Screenplay: Felix Hassenfratz
Cinematographer: Yoshi Heimrath
Editor: Barbara Toennieshen
Producer: Mathias Casanova
Music: Aylin Aykan
Cast: Anne Weinknecht, Heinrich Schmieder, Daniela Holtz u.a.

Synopsis: A young girl is found dead and the baker Udo is cited by the police. His wife Conny has romantic ideas about love and trust, about the strong feeling of belonging together. But now she is afflicted by doubts. The tattle in their village makes it hard for her to believe in her husband’s innocence.

Festivals & Preise: Studio Hamburg Nachwuchspreis Bestes Drehbuch, 2008; Landshuter Kurzfilmtage, 2. Jury Preis (BMW-Kurzfilmpreis), März 2008; Goldener Storch Wendland Shorts, 1. Preis Bester Film, Juni 2008; Deutscher Kurzfilmpreis 2008; International Festival of Film Schools, München: Panther Prize for best production of a German film (November 2008); FilmZ Festival des deutschen Kinos, Mainz (November 2007); Max Ophüls Preis Festival, Saarbrücken (Januar 2008); Landshuter Kurzfilmtage (März 2008); Sehsüchte Internationales Studentenfilmfestival, Potsdam (April 2008); Filmfest Emden (Juni 2008); Wendland Shorts (Juni 2008); St. Petersburg Festival of Festivals (Juni 2008); Shorts at Moonlight (Juli 2008); Palm Springs International Short Fest (August 2008); Montreal World Film Festival (August 2008); 28th Atlantic Film Festival, Halifax, Kanada (September 2008); International Students Film Festival, Buenos Aires, Argentinien (Oktober 2008); Internationales Filmfestival Passau (November 2008); Encounters Short Film Festival, Bristol, UK (November 2008); Foyle Film Festival, Londonderry, Irland (November 2008); International Festival of Film Schools, München (November 2008); Internationales Kurzfilmfestival Interfilm, Berlin (November 2008); Regensburger Kurzfilmwoche (November 2008); 35th International Independent Film Festival Brüssel, Belgien (November 2008); Future Shorts, Köln (Februar 2009); Festival AZYL, Bratislava, Slovakai (März 2009); Filmfest Dresden (April 2009)


My room (Mitt rum)

German Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 21, 21:00 and Monday, June 22, 19:00 (BITTER)


Country of Origin: Faeroe Islands
Year of Production: 2009
Duration: 23′
Category: Fiction

Director: Heidrik a Heygum
Screenplay: Heidrik a Heygum
Cinematographer: Tordur S. Joensen, Franklin Henriksen
Editor: Heidrik a Heygum
Music: Heidrik a Heygum, Tori R. Jacobsen
Cast: Oluva Johannesen, Samal H. Hansen

Synopsis: A single mother is frustrated to see her son lonely and unhappy, so she decides to buy him a new computer that is so brilliantly designed that it can give her son everything he longs for.

Festivals & Awards: The Nordic Youth Film Festival – NUFF 2009