Kotobuki/To Us

German Premiere

Screenings: Saturday, June 21, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 24, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Japan
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 15′
Category: Fiction
Language: Japanese with English subtitles

Director: Kimie Tanaka
Screenplay: Kimie Tanaka
Cinematographer: Corey Kupfer
Editor: Kimie Tanaka
Music: Wei-San Hsu
Producer: Kimie Tanaka, Mayumi Sanda, Yoshiko Nomura
Cast: Nahana, Kikuko Kanazawa, Hiroyuki Fujii, Yoshiyuki Shibata

Synopsis: Sayo, a single girl who works and lives in Tokyo, visits her parents for her 30th birthday weekend. She suspects that her parents‘ relationship is shaky. Unable to make herself comfortable in her own home, Sayo visits her ex-boyfriend in the same town and spends the night there, while at home her parents confront each other.
Inhalt: Sayo, single und in Tokyo lebend und arbeitend, besucht an ihrem 30. Geburtstag ihre Eltern übers Wochenende. Sie vermutet, dass die Beziehung dieser in die Brüche geht. Unfähig sich im Elternhaus wohlzufühlen, besucht Sayo ihren Ex-Freund, der in derselben Stadt wohnt. Dort verbringt sie die Nacht, während sich Vater und Mutter zu Hause gegenseitig konfrontieren.

Festivals: Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (Japan, 2013), Short Shorts Film Festival México (México, 2013), Sapporo International Short Film Festival (Japan, 2013), Camera Japan Festival (Netherlands, 2013), Kaohsiung Film Festival (Taiwan, 2013), International Student Film and Video Festival in Beijing Film Academy (China, 2013), San Diego Asian Film Festival (USA, 2013), International Izmir Short Film Festival (Turkey, 2013), OZU Film Festival (Italy, 2013), Festival Tours Courts (France, 2013), Bio Rio (Sweden, 2014), Rome Independent Film Festival (Italy, 2014), Sguardi Altrove Film Festival (Italy, 2014), Hong Kong International Film Festival (China, 2014)
Awards: Best Short Award (Japan Section), Governor of Tokyo Award at Best Actress Award at Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia



Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 19, 19:00 and Saturday, June 21, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Netherlands
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 8′
Category: Fiction
Language: No dialogue

Director: Ben Brand
Screenplay: Thomas van der Ree
Cinematographer: Max Maloney
Editor: Wietse de Zwart
Music: Christiaan Verbeek
Producer: Rogier Dorant
Cast: Groen Casting, Susanne Groen

Synopsis: TSJAKKE-TSJAKKE-DING-DING-WHOOP! 97% match! Via an app on his phone Bert gets a notice that the girl of his dreams is nearby. Now he only has to find her before the subway train reaches the end of the line.
Inhalt: TSJAKKE-TSJAKKE-DING-DING-WHOOP! 97% Übereinstimmung! Via App bekommt Bert eine Nachricht, dass das Mädchen seiner Träume ganz in der Nähe ist. Jetzt muss er sie nur noch finden, bevor die U-Bahn an der Endstation ankommt.

Festivals: Dutch Filmfestival (Netherlands, 2013), Asiana Filmfestival (South Korea, 2013), interfilm Berlin (Germany, 2013), Shortcutz Filmfestival (Netherlands, 2013), Shorts Attack (Germany, 2013), Cinerail Festival (France, 2013), Suikerzoet Filmfestival (Netherlands, 2013), GoShort (Netherlands, 2014), Lanzarote Film Festival (Spain, 2014), Festival du Cinéma Européen de Lille (France, 2014), Kurzfilmnacht-Tour (Switzerland, 2014), Aspen Shortsfest (USA, 2014), cellu l’art (Germany, 2014), Salento International Film Festival (Italy, 2014), Salento Finibus Terrae Festival (Italy, 2014), Cinesogni – Circolo del cinema „Sogni“ (Italy, 2014)
Awards: Winner of the Month at Shortcutz Filmfestival, Audience Award at Cinerail Festival, Audience Award at cellu l’art

Weblink: vimeo.com/143233550


German Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 22, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 24, 19:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Mexico
Year of Production: 2012
Duration: 7′
Category: Fiction
Language: No dialogue

Director: Sebastián Hofmann
Screenplay: Sebastián Hofmann
Cinematographer: Eva Villaseñor
Editor: Sebastián Hofmann
Music: Rafael Pérez, Martín Delgado
Producer: Alberto Trujillo
Cast: Arturo López, Monserrat Medina, Teresa García, Rodolfo Galindo

Synopsis: Ismael and his little sister wake up, like every Sunday, to watch the children’s show on television, their only escape to survive the neglect and abuse that surround them.
Inhalt: Ismael und seine kleine Schwester wachen wie jeden Sonntag auf, um sich die Kindersendung im Fernsehen anzusehen. Es ist ihr einziger Ausweg, um der Vernachlässigung und dem Missbrauch, der sie umgibt, zu entkommen.

Festivals: Film Festival Locarno (Switzerland, 2012), Domino Mexican Independent Film Tour (United States, 2013), London MexFest (United Kingdom, 2013), Lima Short Film Festival (Peru, 2013), Cork Film Festival (Ireland, 2013), Tampere International Film Festival (Finland, 2014)

La femme de Rio

German Premiere


Screenings: Friday, June 20, 19:00 and Monday, June 23, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: France
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 21′
Category: Fiction
Language: French with English subtitles

Director: Emma Luchini
Cinematographer: Prune Brenguier
Editor: Matthieu Blanchard
Producer: Maxime Delauney, Romain Rousseau

Synopsis: Gabriel, a reformed alcoholic since three months, has locked himself in his flat and refuses to set foot outside. But one day Audrey, a young woman looking for her cell phone, succeeds in breaking into Alcatraz. The two get on immediately, but they are also unable to start anything serious. What if they decide to live their entire love story in one night?
Inhalt: Gabriel, ein seit drei Monaten geläuterter Alkoholiker, hat sich in seiner Wohnung eingeschlossen und weigert sich, ein Fuß vor die Tür zu setzen. Doch eines Tages gelingt es Audrey, einer jungen Frau auf der Suche nach ihrem Handy, in Alcatraz einzubrechen. Die zwei gefallen einander sofort, sind aber unfähig Etwas ernstes anzufangen. Was wäre, wenn sie sich entschieden, ihre ganze Liebesgeschichte in einer Nacht zu leben?

Festivals: Festival du Cinéma Européen de Bordeaux (France, 2013), Brussels Short Film Festival (France, 2013), Festival Court en Champagne (France, 2013), Festival Tous Courts (France, 2013), Festival premiers plans (France, 2014), Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival (France, 2014), Festival Honfleur Tout Court (France, 2014), Festival International du film court d’Altrkirch (France, 2014), Vienna Independent Shorts (Austria, 2014), Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (Japan, 2014), Côté Court (France, 2014), Festival du film court en Seine-Saint-Denis/Pantin (France, 2014)
Awards: Audience Award Festival du Cinéma Européen de Bordeaux, Award to the Best Actress at Brussels Short Film Festival, Audience Award at Festival Court en Champagne



European Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 22, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 24, 19:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Malaysia
Year of Production: 2014
Duration: 10′
Category: Fiction
Language: English without subtitles, Malay with English subtitles

Director: John W. J. Cho
Screenplay: John W. J. Cho
Cinematographer: John W. J. Cho, Praveen Kumar
Editor: John W. J. Cho
Producer: Sandie Lee, Catherine Y.L. Tan, John W. J. Cho
Cast: Alfred Loh, Ish Jamaludin, Michael Chen, Brian Ong, Kit Lim

Synopsis: Yan works as a small-time pusher in the local narcotics ring. Despite regular phone calls from his handler reassuring him that someone will take his place, he grows increasingly paranoid that it’s only a matter of time before he is found out.
Inhalt: Yan arbeitet als kleinkrimineller Drogenhändler. Trotz regelmäßiger Anrufe seines Chefs, der ihm versichert, dass ihn bald jemand ersetzen wird, wird er immer paranoider. Er glaubt, dass es nur eine Frage der Zeit ist, bis er aufläuft.

Festivals: Tropfest SEA (Malaysia, 2014), Salón Internacional de la Luz (Colombia, 2014)


Short Film

Screening: Wednesday, June 25, 19:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 3′
Category: Fiction
Language: No dialogue

Director: Olaf Held
Screenplay: Olaf Held
Cinematographer: Lutz Zoglauer
Editor: Olaf Held
Producer: Ralf Glaser
Cast: Jan Kummer, Till Kummer, Lotta Kummer, Günther Kummer

Synopsis: A short film manifesto.
Inhalt: Ein Kurzfilmmanifest.

Deutscher Kurzfilmpreis in Gold für Spielfilme bis 7 Minuten

Weblink: www.kurzfilmtournee.de

The Society

German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 20, 19:00 and Monday, June 23, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Spain
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 16′
Category: Fiction
Language: Basque with English subtitles

Director: Kote Camacho
Screenplay: Ander Lendinez, Kote Camacho
Cinematographer: Kote Camacho
Editor: Kote Camacho
Music: Euskadiko Orkestra Sinfonikoa and Donostiako Orfeoia
Producer: Kote Camacho
Cast: Iñaki Beraetxe, Eriz Alberdi, Pako Revueltas, Martxelo Rubio, Iker Galartza

Synopsis: A group of old friends get together to cook and have a good dinner. Life has played tricks on one of them, disappeared for years, and he is now living on the street. The dinner will not be as comfortable as expected.
Inhalt: Eine Gruppe alter Freunde trifft sich, um gemeinsam zu kochen und einen guten Abend zu verbringen. Doch einem von ihnen hat das Leben Streiche gespielt. Er war für Jahre verschwunden und lebt jetzt auf der Straße. Das Dinner wird also nicht so angenehm wie erwartet.

Festivals: Gau Laburra (Spain, 2013), Eibar Short Film Festival (Spain, 2013), Ikuska – Pasaia Short Film Exhibition (Spain, 2013), Ull-nu (Andorra, 2013), Hendaia International Film Festival (France, 2013), Lekeitio Film and Video Festival (Spain, 2013), Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival (France, 2014), Tetouan Short Film Festival (Morocco, 2014), The Norwegian Short Film Festival (Norway, 2014)
Awards: First Prize at Gau Laburra, Best Basque Film Award at Eibar Short Film Festival, First Prize at Ull-nu, Best Short Film Award at Hendaia International Film Festival, Best Direction Award at Lekeitio Film and Video Festival



German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 20, 21:00 and Monday, June 23, 19:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Canada
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 13′
Category: Fiction
Language: French with English subtitles

Director: Pier-Philippe Chevigny
Screenplay: Pier-Philippe Chevigny, Felix Hamel Lucas
Cinematographer: Felix Hamel Lucas
Editor: Pier-Philippe Chevigny
Producer: Genevieve Gosselin-G.
Cast: Alice Tran, Danny Gilmore, Genevieve Rochette, Eloise Bisson

Synopsis: Tala is a young Filipino domestic worker living with a bourgeois family on the North Shore of Montreal. As she runs through her daily chores, dealing with the eccentricities of her employers, an unexpected phone call puts her at great risk of getting fired.
Inhalt: Tala ist eine junge philippinische Hausangestellte, die mit einer spießbürgerlichen Familie in Montreal lebt. Während sie ihren täglichen Aufgaben nachgeht, gegen die Exzentrik ihrer Arbeitgeber kämpfend, bringt sie ein unerwarteter Anruf in die riskante Situation, gefeuert zu werden.

Festivals: Praxis Film Festival (USA, 2013), Lone Star Film Festival (USA, 2013), Saint-Sauveur International Film Festival (Canada, 2013), Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois (Canada, 2014), Lakeshorts International Short Film Festival (Canada, 2014), DAU’FILM Festival (France, 2014), Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival (India, 2014), Workers Unite Film Festival (USA, 2014), Rated SR – Socially Relevant Film Festival New York (USA, 2014), Show me Justice Film Festival (USA, 2014), Winnipeg Real to Reel Film Festival (Canada, 2014), Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival (Serbia, 2014), Skepto International Film Festival (Italy, 2014)
Awards: Jury Award and Public Award at Saint-Sauveur International Film Festival, Best Student Short at the Rendez-vous du Cinéma québécois, Deluxe Award to the Best Short Film at Lakeshorts International Short Film Festival, Jury Award at DAU’FILM Festival, Special Jury Mention at Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival


Rhino Full Throttle

Screening: Wednesday, June 25, 19:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2012
Duration: 15′
Category: Fiction
Language: German with English subtitles

Director: Erik Schmitt
Screenplay: Erik Schmitt, Stephan Müller
Cinematographer: Johannes M. Louis
Editor: Erik Schmitt, Steffen Hand
Producer: Henning Kamm, Fabian Gasmia
Cast: Marleen Lohse, Tino Mewes, Folke Renken

Synopsis: Bruno is making his way through the city searching for its soul. Driven by curiosity, his challenging imagination and his wild reflection on reality, he is lifting the old dusty curtain on the city’s crusted perception. Bruno is collecting patterns, spaces and surfaces, showing us the city as we have never seen it before.
Inhalt: Bruno. Er ist der Motor, der sich auf die Suche nach der „Seele der Stadt“ macht. Geleitet von seiner Neugier, von seiner überbrodelnden Phantasie und seinen schrägen Gedanken lüftet er den krustigen Teppich der abgestumpften Wahrnehmung. Bruno sammelt Muster, Oberflächen und Räume, anhand derer er uns einen neuen Blickwinkel auf die Stadt verschafft.

Nominierung beim Deutschen Kurzfilmpreis für Spielfilme von mehr als 7 bis 30 Minuten

Weblink: www.kurzfilmtournee.de


European Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 19, 19:00 and Saturday, June 21, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Indonesia
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 15′
Category: Fiction
Language: Indonesian with English subtitles

Director: Edward Gunawan
Screenplay: Edward Gunawan
Cinematographer: Paul Kadarisman
Editor: Edward Gunawan
Producer: Suryani Liauw
Cast: Cut Mini, Surya Saputra, Fatih Unru

Synopsis: A single mother who works as a door-to-door encyclopedia seller must learn to adapt or face extinction in the advent of computers and the Internet.
Inhalt: Eine alleinerziehende Mutter, die von Haus zu Haus zieht und Enzyklopädien verkauft, versucht zu lernen sich dem Aussterben dieser – durch den Einfluss von Computern und Internet – anzupassen oder zu stellen.

Festivals: Europe on Screen Film Festival (Indonesia, 2013), Piala Maya (Indonesia, 2013), Indonesian Film Festival (Indonesia, 2013), XXI Short Film Festival (Indonesia, 2013), Pendek Jabodetabeka Film Festival (Indonesia, 2013), LOCFEST: Local Culture Film Festival (Indonesia, 2013), International Festival of Films for Children and Young Adults (Iran, 2013), Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival (USA, 2013), Solo Film Festival (Indonesia, 2013), KidsFfest – International Film Festival for Children and Young People (Indonesia, 2013), Pesta Film Indonesia (Indonesia, 2013)
Awards: Best Short Film at Europe on Screen Film Festival, Best Short Film at Piala Maya
