Poolside (Beckenrand)

Screening: Saturday, June 14, 23:00 (BEST OF GERMANY II)


Country of Origin: Germany/Switzerland
Year of Production: 2006
Duration: 19′
Category: Fiction

Director: Michael Koch
Screenplay: Michael Koch
Cinematographer: Benedikt Ritter
Editor: Rosa Albrecht
Music: Frank Boehle, Johann Laeschke
Producer: Michael Koch
Cast: Hansjuerg Mueller, Luca Zindel, Lea Baur

Synopsis: The setting is a packed swimming pool at the height of summer. A group of teenagers catch the pool attendant’s attention and a confrontation leads to a tragic misunderstanding…

Festivals & Awards: Nominee for Best German Short Film Potsdam Germany 2007, Nominee for Swiss Film Prize in category Best Short Film 2007, Festival du film court de Lille France 2007 (Special Prize), Young Filmmaker’s Festival Luzern Switzerland 2006 (Best Direction), International Short Film Days Winterthur Switzerland 2006 (Special Mention), International Short Film Festival Hamburg Germany 2007 (Special Mention), Festival Signes de Nuit Paris France 2007 (First Prize), Festival International des Ecoles de Cinema FIDEC Belgium 2007 (Special Mention), Berlin&Beyond Festival San Francisco USA 2007, International Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand France 2007, Solothurner Short Film Days Switzerland 2007, Festival Premiers Plans Anger France 2007, Mediawave International Film Festival Hungary 2007, Befilm The Underground Film Festival New York USA 2007, Sonar International Short Film Festival Italy 2007, „Sehsuechte“ International Student Film Festival Berlin Germany 2007, VIS Vienna Independent Shorts Viena Austria 2007, Courtisane Festival of Short Film Ghent Belgium 2007, Seattle International Film Festival USA 2007, „La Cittadella del Corto“ International Short Film Festival Roma Italy 2007, Cinema Jove International Film Festival Valencia Spain 2007, Mostra Independent de Curtmetratges „MIC07“ Barcelona Spain 2007, Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente de Elche Spain 2007, Monterrrey International Film Festival Mexico 2007, Tinklai International Short Film Festival Lithuania 2007, Cork Film Festival Ireland 2007, International Short Film Festival Santiago de Compostela Spain 2007, Kolkata Film Festival India 2007, Short Film Festival of Lyon-Villeurbanne France 2007, Cucalorus Film Festival North Carolina USA 2007, International Film Festival Locarno Switzerland 2006, Leeds International Film Festival UK 2006, Regensburg Short Film Week Germany 2006, Une Nuit Trop Courte Grenoble France 2006, International Short Film Festival Leuven Belgium 2006

Weblink: http://www.kurzfilmtournee.de/poolside

Macedonian Dream – A Girl And Her Accordion (Die Akkordeonspielerin)

Screening: Friday, June 13, 23:00 (BEST OF GERMANY I)


Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2007
Duration: 30′
Category: Documentation

Director: Biljana Garvanlieva
Screenplay: Biljana Garvanlieva
Cinematographer: Susanne Schuele
Editor: Andre Nier
Sound: Manuel Zimmer
Producer: Christian Beetz
Cast: Emilija Obradova

Synopsis: At the age of seven, Emilija gets an accordion, with 14 she wins the national accordion competition of Macedonia. The author portrays the life of her 17-year-old cousin who comes from a poor but very musical and swinging family. Living in a little village she fights for the right to participate in an international competition that is taking place in spring. Emilija plays well enough, but the condition is to have a professional and exorbitantly expensive accordion.

Festivals & Awards: Nominee for Juliane Barthels Award 2008, Award for Best German Short Film Germany 2007, Axel Springer Award for Young Journalists Germany 2007, International Documentary Film Festival Zagreb Croatia 2007 (Special Mention Award), ASTERFEST International Film & Video Festival of Southern Europe Macedonia 2007 (Golden Projector), Sichuan TV Festival China 2007 (Gold Panda Award), Danube Island Festival Bratislava Slovakia 2007 (Nominee for Prix Danube), Filmmor International Women’s Film Festival Istanbul Turkey 2008, FIPA Biarritz Competition Contest France 2007, Femme Total Film Festival Dortmund Germany 2007, KRATKIMETAR International Short Film Festival Belgrad Serbia 2007, International Documentary and Short Film Festival Prizren Kosovo 2007, Macedonian Film Festival Toronto Canada 2007, Barcelona International TV Festival Spain 2007, Festival of the New German Film Skopje Macedonia 2007

Weblink: www.kurzfilmtournee.de

The Frozen Sea (Das Gefrorene Meer)

Screening: Saturday, June 14, 23:00 (BEST OF GERMANY II)


Country of Origin: Germany/Austria
Year of Production: 2007
Duration: 27’00“
Category: Fiction

Director: Lukas Miko
Screenplay: Lukas Miko
Cinematographer: Martin Gschlacht
Editor: Bernd Schlegel
Sounddesign: Ansgar Frerich
Producer: Sabine Lamby, Martin Gschlacht
Cast: Felix Steitz, Anna Schudt, Andreas Patton

Synopsis: His father’s frequent absence is a source of great sorrow for 8-year-old Marco. Even on Christmas Day he’s leaving – to work, according to Marco’s mother. Marco, however, suspects his mother’s bickering to be the real reason. When, later that day, Marco is sure he spotted his dad from a bus window, his confusion is complete. Are his parents hiding something from him? Or is he just fooled by his own longing? Marco puts himself and his parents to the test…

Festivals & Awards: LOLA for Best German Short Film 2007, Les Lutins Du Court-Metrage France 2008 (Longlist-Nominee), Paris Tout Court International Short Film Festival 2008 (Special Jury Award, Audience Award), Short Film Festival Bamberg Germany 2008 (Orlando-Jury Award, Best Short Film), International Short Film Festival Alpinale Austria 2007 (Audience Award), International Short Film Festival Dresden Germany 2007 (Audience Award), International Short Film Festival Palm Springs USA 2007 (Best of the Fest Selection), International Short Film Festival Jackson Hole USA 2008, Landshuter Kurzfilmtage Germany 2008, Bamberger Kurzfilmtage Germany 2008, International Short Film Festival of Drama Greece 2007, International Film Festival Rouyn-Noranda Canada 2007, International Film Festival Olympia Greece 2007, International Short Film Festival of Calcutta India 2007, International Film Festival Nairobi Kenya 2007, International Short Film Week Regensburg Germany 2007, Diagonale Graz Austria 2007, Max-Ophuels-Prize Saarbrücken Germany 2007, Grenzland Filmtage Germany 2007, Open-Air Festival Weiterstadt Germany 2007, Open-Air Filmnaechte Bonn Germany 2007, Open-Air Filmnaechte Dresden Germany 2007

Weblink: http://www.kurzfilmtournee.de/the-frozen-see

Keychild (Schluesselkind)

Screening: Friday, June 13, 23:00 (BEST OF GERMANY I)


Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2007
Duration: 5′
Category: Animation

Director: Meike Fehre
Screenplay: Claire Doutriaux
Producer: Meike Fehre

Synopsis: Mit einem Augenzwinkern erklärt der Film das Wort „Schlüsselkind“ als deutsche Eigenart.

Weblink: http://www.kurzfilmtournee.de/keychild

The Secret Adventures Of The Projectionist

Screening: Wednesday, June 18, 19:00 (BOYFRIENDS)


Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2008
Duration: 3’15“
Category: Fiction

Director: Max Sacker
Screenplay: Max Sacker, Heleen Gerritsen
Cinematographer: Dustin Wallrap
Editor: Max Sacker
Music: Dmitri Petrovski
Cast: Nikolai Kinski, Senta Dorothea Kirschner, Mark Gisbourne

Synopsis: The Secret Adventures of the Projectionist starring Nikolai Kinski and Senta Dorothea Kirschner, tells the (very short) story of a cinema projectionist (Kinski) who becomes entangled in a dangerous liaison with a silver screen femme fatale (Kirschner). Spanning several cinema styles from silent movie to sword and scandals Technicolor to Film Noir, the film was shot on 16mm film in under four days in Berlin, Germany using old cameras from the Soviet Union.

Weblink: www.maxsacker.com/projectionist_about.html

The Pheasant (Der Fasan)

Screening: Sunday, June 15, 19:00 (GIRLFRIENDS)


Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2005
Duration: 15′
Category: Fiction

Director: Zorana Musikic
Screenplay: Zorana Musikic
Cinematographer: Rene Gorski
Editor: Heike Parplies
Music: Simon Stockhausen
Cast: Thomas Bestvater, Juergen Verch

Synopsis: „The Pheasant“ tells the story about two homeless men, Bodo and Gerd, who live in Berlin – a city that runs up to Christmas preparations. It is a bizarre odyssey through the night in search of the Christmas dinner they dream of.

Festivals & Awards: La Cittadella del Corto – International Short Film Festival Italy 2006 (Best International Short Film), Shorts at Moonlight Bad Soden Germany 2006 (Winner of the Day), Film Festival Max-Ophuels-Prize Saarbruecken Germany 2006, „Sehsuechte“ Film Festival Potsdam Germany 2006, Shortmoves Film Festival Halle Germany 2006, International Film Festival Belgrad Serbia 2006

Weblink: www.schafoderscharf.de/de/derfasan.html

Cigaretta Mon Amour – The Portrait Of My Father (Cigaratta Mon Amour – Portrait Meines Vaters)

Screening: Saturday, June 14, 23:00 (BEST OF GERMANY II)


Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2006
Duration: 7′
Category: Experimental

Director: Rosa Hannah Ziegler
Screenplay: Rosa Hannah Ziegler
Cinematographer: Michel Unger
Editor: Rosa Hannah Ziegler, Michel Unger
Producer: Rosa Hannah Ziegler

Synopsis: Rosa H. Ziegler shows a portrait of her father who lives isolated in his room. He spends all his time there, inside, with no contact to other people and uncompromisingly following his addiction – smoking. His room becomes a cave, a retreat, where rules or something similar do not exist anymore. The film shows in a dark, dreamy and wistful atmosphere the life of an old man who is addicted to nicotine and who lives in his own “dream world”.

Festivals & Awards: Best German Short Film 2007, Max-Ophuels-Prize Saarbruecken Germany 2008, International Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand France 2008, 4. Festival der visuellen Kunst ambulart 2007, International Short Film Festival Oberhausen 2007, European Media Art Festival Osnabrueck Germany 2007, Documenta Madrid Spain 2007, IDFA Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam The Netherlands 2006, doclisboa Portugal 2006, „Zinebi 48“ International Festival of Documentary and Short Film Bilbao Spain 2006, Dokumentar- und Videofest Kassel Germany 2006

Weblink: http://www.kurzfilmtournee.de/Cigaretta-mon-amour

Violin Solo (Geigensolo)

Screening: Friday, June 13, 23:00 (BEST OF GERMANY I)


Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2007
Duration: 21′
Category: Fiction

Director: Karin Malwitz
Screenplay: Karin Malwitz, Philipp Batereau
Cinematographer: Volker Langhoff
Editors: Karin Malwitz, Philipp Batereau
Music: Philip Kirt Kressin
Producer: Karin Malwitz
Cast: Juergen Holtz

Synopsis: Old Theo is deaf. It is New Year’s Eve, time to finally end everything. But a new hope is awoken unexpectedly when three young Chinese women wave to him. Did he imagine it? Suddenly he has lots to do.

Festivals & Awards: Nominee for Best German Short Film Potsdam Germany 2007

Weblink: http://www.kurzfilmtournee.de/violin-solo

2 Or 3 Things I Knew About Her

Screening: Friday, June 13, 23:00 (BEST OF GERMANY I)


Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2006
Duration: 13′
Category: Experimental

Director: Eli Cortinas Hidalgo
Screenplay: Eli Cortinas Hidalgo
Cinematographer: Eli Cortinas Hidalgo
Editor: Eli Cortinas Hidalgo
Music: Nico Hofmann, Ben Hertel

Synopsis: „That sunday morning she went out without hair on her head. I was wondering if she wouldn’t freeze.“ This is how the jigsaw portrait 2 Or 3 things I Knew About Her< begins, a psycho gram of several women and their roles with an attempt to combine them into one single person in the course of the film.

Festivals & Awards: OPEN CINEMA International Short & Animation Film Festival St. Petersburg Russia 2008, „Luegen. nirgends.“ Between Reality and Fiction Muenster Germany 2008, „Family Matters“ Galery NB8 Norway 2008, „Zur Zeit“ Groupexhibiton Bregenz Austria 2008, Ambulart Festival of Visual Art Quito Ecuador 2008, International Women Film Festival Dortmund Germany 2008, „LUX“ Max-Ophüls-Prize Germany 2008, L´Alternativa Barcelona Spain 2008, Short Cuts Cologne Germany 2008, LOOP Barcelona Spain 2007, International Short Film Days Oberhausen Germany 2007, European Media Art Festival Osnabrueck Germany 2007, XXX Forum Museum Ludwig Cologne 2007

Weblink: http://www.kurzfilmtournee.de/2-or-3-things

Sibling’s Love (Geschwisterliebe)

Screening: Saturday, June 14, 23:00 (BEST OF GERMANY II)


Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2007
Duration: 5′
Category: Animation

Director: Jan-Marcel Kuehn, Matthias Scharfi
Screenplay: Jan-Marcel Kuehn, Matthias Scharfi
Animation: Jan-Marcel Kuehn, Matthias Scharfi
Music: Matthias Scharfi
Producer: Benjamin Munz

Synopsis: 11-years-old Lorenz lives next to his annoying younger sister Sophie. Some day, when Sophie disturbs his peace again, Lorenz discovers accidentally that he is up to manipulate time. He enjoys that circumstance and starts fooling around with his sister.

Festivals & Awards: Short Tiger Berlin 2007, Next Generation Cannes Film Festival France 2008, Animated Film Festival South Korea 2008, Plein la Bobine Sancy Film Festival for Young People France 2008, International Cartoon & Animation Festival Seoul South Korea 2006

Weblink: http://www.kurzfilmtournee.de/siblings-love