German Premiere
Screenings: Saturday, June 21, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 24, 21:00 (Monopol-Kino)

Country of Origin: Japan
Year of Production: 2013
Duration: 15′
Category: Fiction
Language: Japanese with English subtitles
Director: Kimie Tanaka
Screenplay: Kimie Tanaka
Cinematographer: Corey Kupfer
Editor: Kimie Tanaka
Music: Wei-San Hsu
Producer: Kimie Tanaka, Mayumi Sanda, Yoshiko Nomura
Cast: Nahana, Kikuko Kanazawa, Hiroyuki Fujii, Yoshiyuki Shibata
Synopsis: Sayo, a single girl who works and lives in Tokyo, visits her parents for her 30th birthday weekend. She suspects that her parents‘ relationship is shaky. Unable to make herself comfortable in her own home, Sayo visits her ex-boyfriend in the same town and spends the night there, while at home her parents confront each other.
Inhalt: Sayo, single und in Tokyo lebend und arbeitend, besucht an ihrem 30. Geburtstag ihre Eltern übers Wochenende. Sie vermutet, dass die Beziehung dieser in die Brüche geht. Unfähig sich im Elternhaus wohlzufühlen, besucht Sayo ihren Ex-Freund, der in derselben Stadt wohnt. Dort verbringt sie die Nacht, während sich Vater und Mutter zu Hause gegenseitig konfrontieren.
Festivals: Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia (Japan, 2013), Short Shorts Film Festival México (México, 2013), Sapporo International Short Film Festival (Japan, 2013), Camera Japan Festival (Netherlands, 2013), Kaohsiung Film Festival (Taiwan, 2013), International Student Film and Video Festival in Beijing Film Academy (China, 2013), San Diego Asian Film Festival (USA, 2013), International Izmir Short Film Festival (Turkey, 2013), OZU Film Festival (Italy, 2013), Festival Tours Courts (France, 2013), Bio Rio (Sweden, 2014), Rome Independent Film Festival (Italy, 2014), Sguardi Altrove Film Festival (Italy, 2014), Hong Kong International Film Festival (China, 2014)
Awards: Best Short Award (Japan Section), Governor of Tokyo Award at Best Actress Award at Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia