Motovun my love (Motovun mon amour)

German Premiere

Screenings: Wednesday, June 27, 19:00 (

Country of Origin: Germany
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 30’30
Category: Documentary

Director: Lothar Just, Arno Trampe
Screenplay: Lothar Just, Arno Trampe
Cinematographer: Arno Trampe
Music: Klapa Motovun
Editor: Lothar Just, Arno Trampe

Synopsis: Motuvun is one of the most picturesque and interesting towns in Istria. Like many other cities in the region, it had a turbulent history. In 1948, almost everybody left, but, in recent years, newcomers (both Croatians and foreigners) have occupied the houses again. An important question is: can these locals and newcomers create a coherent community? This documentary tries to find out by questioning several representatives of the parties concerned.
Inhalt: Motovun ist eine der schönsten und interessantesten Städte in Istrien und hat wie viele andere in der Region eine wechselvolle Vergangenheit. Die Gegenwart ist geprägt von Unsicherheit ob der Zukunft, und der Film versucht durch Befragung herauszufinden, ob Einheimische und Fremde dabei einen gemeinsamen Weg finden können.

Festivals: Motovun, Trieste, Bozen
