
European Premiere

Screenings: Sunday, June 22, 19:00 and Tuesday, June 24, 19:00 (Monopol-Kino)


Country of Origin: Malaysia
Year of Production: 2014
Duration: 10′
Category: Fiction
Language: English without subtitles, Malay with English subtitles

Director: John W. J. Cho
Screenplay: John W. J. Cho
Cinematographer: John W. J. Cho, Praveen Kumar
Editor: John W. J. Cho
Producer: Sandie Lee, Catherine Y.L. Tan, John W. J. Cho
Cast: Alfred Loh, Ish Jamaludin, Michael Chen, Brian Ong, Kit Lim

Synopsis: Yan works as a small-time pusher in the local narcotics ring. Despite regular phone calls from his handler reassuring him that someone will take his place, he grows increasingly paranoid that it’s only a matter of time before he is found out.
Inhalt: Yan arbeitet als kleinkrimineller Drogenhändler. Trotz regelmäßiger Anrufe seines Chefs, der ihm versichert, dass ihn bald jemand ersetzen wird, wird er immer paranoider. Er glaubt, dass es nur eine Frage der Zeit ist, bis er aufläuft.

Festivals: Tropfest SEA (Malaysia, 2014), Salón Internacional de la Luz (Colombia, 2014)


Focal Point

German Premiere

Screenings: Friday, June 18, 21:00 and Tuesday, June 22, 19:00 (SOUR)


Country of Origin / Land: Malaysia, Iran
Year of Production / Jahr: 2009
Duration / Länge: 12’36“
Category / Kategorie: Fiction

Director / Regie: Alireza Khatami, Ali Seiffouri
Screenplay / Drehbuch: Alireza Khatami
Cinematographer / Kamera: Filus Ghazali
Editor / Schnitt: Alireza Khatami, Hoda Hajizadeh
Producer / Produktion: Alireza Khatami
Cast / Darsteller: Patrick Teoh, Min Chan, Evi Abdul Jabar, Eka Abdul Jabar, Mina Jazayeri

Synopsis: An old photographer has a magical camera, a legacy from his ancestors. People come to him to find out who their soul mate are. It is not always a happy story when a couple discovers they are not meant for each other. Once in a while he takes his own pictures to add to the growing collection os his loved one’s photograph. Then one day she herself shows up. Fearing that he might not appear in her photograph he lays awake at night. Next day he places his own photograph in the package that he has to hands to her.
Inhalt: Ein alter und einsamer Fotograf hat eine magische Kamera, die Seelenverwandte zeigt. Eines Tages versucht er seine eigene Seelenfreundin zu finden.

Festivals & Awards: Cinemanila International Film Festival Philippine 2009 (Best SEA Short Film Award), International Film & Photo Festival of Students Iran 2010, SFF-rated Athens Intl Sci-Fi & Fantasy Film Festival Greece 2010, Image Of The Year Film Festival Iran 2010, Spectrum Shorts – Rotterdam International Film Festival Netherlands 2010, FAJR International Film Festival Iran 2010, International Short Film Festival Clermont-Ferrand France 2010
