Superman, Spiderman or Batman (Superman, Spiderman sau Batman)

Bavarian Premiere

Screenings: Thursday, June 21, 19:00 ( and Saturday, June 23, 21:00 (City Kinos)

Country of Origin: Romania
Year of Production: 2011
Duration: 11′
Category: Fiction

Director: Tudor Giurgiu
Screenplay: Doru Lupeano
Cinematographer: Adrian Silisteanu
Editor: Eugen Kelemen
Producer: Bogdan Craciun

Synopsis: Aron, a 5-year-old boy, sets together with his worried father on a journey, at the end of which he wishes, like the superheroes in the comic books, to save his mother suffering from a heart condition.
Inhalt: Der 5-jährige Aron macht sich zusammen mit seinem Vater auf eine Reise, an deren Ende er sich wünscht, genau so wie die Superhelden in den Comics, seine Mutter retten zu können, die unter einem Herzfehler leidet.
